I've been busy at Ultimate Reloader

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
A couple of years ago I worked with Gavin at Ultimate Reloader for a defensive handgun article & video, then there was a test of some 30-06 brass, and this year we've done a lot more. I'm writing articles for him, and we're producing videos together. It's keeping me busy in my retirement. Here's the articles & videos I've been part of so far. More to come!

Fast 308 Handloads:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2021/10/07 ... ter-loads/

7mm Rem Mag & IMR Enduron Powders:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2021/09/21 ... n-powders/

Budget Reloading with Lyman:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2021/09/10 ... yman-gear/

Is the 30-06 Boring?
https://ultimatereloader.com/2021/08/23 ... g-results/

Reloading and Shooting the 45-70 Marlin:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2021/08/02 ... lever-gun/

25-06 & mule deer:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2021/07/22 ... iscussion/

30-06 Starline brass & loads for hunting:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2019/12/10 ... -starline/

Revolver vs Semi Auto for home defense:
https://ultimatereloader.com/2019/01/16 ... is-better/
Outstanding work Guy!

Keep it up!

I enjoyed the .30-06 articles especially!

Videos are top notch too!

That's fantastic Guy. I do enjoy the videos and your articles.

salmonchaser":ff57pyj8 said:
I need .45/70 brass when they get around to it.

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I got some Starline 45-70 brass recently, from a forum member here. Starline is/was selling it but in fairly large quantities. He split his order with me.

I see that currently it's not avail, not even on back order. Phooey. Keep watching. It's out there, somewhere!

I have helped my brother loading his sons 6.5 Grendel with starline brass. From what I could tell it’s quality stuff. Be great if you guys started making some 9.3x62, 416 Remington, and 416 Taylor [emoji16][emoji16][emoji16]

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Great videos and articles Guy. That is just too cool!

Yup, Starline is good stuff in my book. I just got a batch of 50-90 in. More of the same, very high quality stuff!
I was wondering if any of the other contributors in your group had a 9.3x62?

I would be very interested to see that cartridge, rifle combo featured at some point.
