Getting Ready for Moose


Nov 8, 2006
We're working on Noah's shooting abilities, knowing that moose opens in two weeks. We began with some bench time today. He loves his Tikka chambered in .260 Remington.

From the bench, Noah is able to shoot a pretty decent load after a bit of coaching and some trigger time.

Yeah, he was quite proud of his effort. And I admit that I'm quite pleased with his willingness to take instruction and then do what needs to be done.

Next week we begin on shooting from field positions and shooting off the sticks. He has two weeks to be ready to tag a moose.
This is great stuff Dr. Mike. It is wonderful that you can coach him along with the proper equipment and shooting techniques. I am sure he is learning life lessons as well from you. He will remember these days forever.

His shooting is looking pretty good. I would bet you wouldn't mind if the student surpassed the teacher. :wink:
That's great Mike. I hope Noah connects on a nice bull.
What load is he using in his 260 Rem?

Looks real good Mike :) ..He looks mighty excited, I wish you and Noah a safe and rewarding hunt! :)

Way to go Noah! Great shooting buddy!

Mike, I imagine you are pretty geeked up to get out with him as well. The boy looks like a natural. Very much looking forward to seeing some hunting pictures as well.

Good luck with the sticks. I am thinking he will do very well. Looks like a perfect rifle for him.
Mike you taught him well, that is very fine shooting on Noah's part. I'm pulling for you big time Noah to get a moose. I've always wanted to hunt moose but have never had the chance to do so.

We're not finished with loads. I just grabbed some 120 grain monolithics that I'll work up next week. He's shooting 120 Sierras right now and developing around 3000 fps. I could wish for a more robust bullet, but this will do if we have to run with it. We ran into a bit of a glitch when we prepared yesterday, so I need to give his load a bit more attention. I discovered that my stash of 140 Partitions was way skinny, and there are none available locally. Because of the brevity of time, we'll work up either a TSX or a GMX load this next week. He handles the rifle quite well off the bench. If the load gives the accuracy/velocity combination I'm looking for, we're definitely good to go.
Mike, if you need 140gr Partitions, let me know pal, I could get them to you in a real hurry!

Nice job Mike. Noah looks like he's all set to go! The little 260 Remington GIANT killer should work just fine for his moose! :grin: It's older brother has been taking moose for years.
Lou, Thank you for your generous offer. I believe we have it under control, however. David, I believe he will do just fine. I'm certainly confident of his rifle and of his ability to handle the rifle. We'll work on field position and working up another load or two during the coming week. It will be hectic, but I believe we can make it work. He's working out the opportunity to stay through the first several weeks of September so he can hunt whitetail and grouse.
Once he gets used to shooting sticks it makes a lot of difference. Shooting balloons off sticks is great practice!
...if all else fails you might check on the new 130gr. Sierra HPBT GameKings, good expansion, better penetration than the SBT's...

...just an"infographic" for Noah, while "dead-centering" a deer works fine cause there ain't that much volume, "dead-centering" a moose is like shooting a 55gal. drum, sooner of later it'll go empty, but being "picky" & shooting down & forward where the pump house is works a lot better...

That is just sweet Dr. I wish I had someone like yourself teach me back when Iearned to shoot, reload, etc. but I was a late bloomer at 20 years old.

Noah is gonna put the smack down on a moose! Can't wait to see your/his smile when he does.
The lad is pretty stoked. He can hardly wait until the 15th. Shucks, I may just stay in bed that day to see what he does. On second thought, I don't think my old heart can take the excitement. I know we'll be awake at 3 a.m. He'll shower with scent control soap and be dressed, waiting in the front foyer with rifle and ammunition. We'll make a stop at Tim Horton's for a breakfast sandwich and hot chocolate. Then, we'll book it to the hunting grounds. Daylight will be shortly before five, and his head will be rotating faster than a great horned owl. Yeah, it will be fun. Now, all that is lacking is the moose. Several friends are on the lookout for a young moose to match the young hunter. Moose do appear to be plentiful this year, and they appear to be in very good shape.