Anything in the .338 realm will work fine in my humble opinion.
I’m a fan of the .338 Win Mag for everything from moose down to antelope. I only went with a .375 because I’m planning on hunting Cape Buffalo. That and because I found a left hand, CRF, stainless version. I have a friend that...
My tendons in my right shoulder are tore so I’m not able to reach behind my hip to draw a gun, good thing I carry appendix, or lift things above my head but I shoot rifles left handed.
Handguns I carry and shoot right handed. Wish I could help you more but maybe learning to shoot with the...
This past year has been nothing like what I planned or expected.
Thought I had finally made it to Alaska only to get my contract terminated. The jobs I found up there after my contract was terminated were paying what I’m making in Arizona. With the cost of living up there it was a no brainer...
I will be praying for a safe resolution to this travesty.
The United States has a long history of fornicating its third world allies and even its citizens. I no longer can support our so called government no matter who is in office.
It was only after the War Of Northern Aggression that the government started really acquiring land.
They did this for monetary reasons. Don’t believe me? How much federal land is there east of the Mississippi River? Answer: Not much.
This was done to reap the financial rewards of timber...
Most of us are selfish and thinking only of OUR use of the land.
While I wouldn’t like it I would give up hunting to have a government like our forefathers intended. Lots of things are more important than our own narrow self interest.
A happy, but belated, birthday wish for you.
If you haven’t got the Telly figured out yet I know a guy who knows a guy that can kidnap a twelve year old to help you program the bloody thing.