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  1. J

    Accuracy Diff with primers.

    I did an accidental experiment with this a few weeks ago. I had a good load for my 22CM pushing a 77gr TMK with a BR2. I loaded up 50 more and accidentally used a 210M. I had developed a load that consistently would do a 5 shot .5-.7 MOA group with a bit larger velocity SD than I wanted, but it...
  2. J

    95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

    Thats not a bad thought. I certainly wasn't bashing Berger, I shoot a lot of their bullets. It was more of just trying to see if anyone else had ever seen anything like that with any bullet. I hadn't.
  3. J

    95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

    Yeah, I'm still scratching my head on this as well. There's a first for everything, I guess.
  4. J

    95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

    There weren't any holes in the paper or the board that were not perfectly round, and I didn't see the grey clouds either. It shoots the 105 and 108 vld very well. It's not a lack of twist issue. I made it to town this weekend and happened to find a box of 87gr Vmax and figured they would be...
  5. J

    Might there be a single great powder recommendation for both rifle reloading?

    I've had fantastic luck with both of the calibers running RL26. The 6.5 was running a 143 ELDX, and the 270 WSM was running a 140 AB.
  6. J

    95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

    I started out at 3000 fps and ended up at 3134. I haven't tried it without the can because it shot the 108 really well with the can. Thanks, Jim. It is a notably shorter bullet. If the bullets are touching the lands, I'm less than a half a bullet diameter of bullet shank into the neck. I almost...
  7. J

    95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

    I won a 20" barreled Christensen chambered in 6CM at a local fundraiser last spring. I'm running a Dead Air Nomad Ti on it and have been shooting the 108 VLD out of it for the last year. Due to the short barrel, I'm only getting about 2900 fps at the accuracy node. It's plenty of fun, but I...
  8. J

    70 grain .224 RDF

    I have ran the 70gr RDF in a 22 Nosler AR. I was getting 3,000 fps out of a 22" tube with CFE 223 (I think). It shot very well all the way out past 700 yards. When I put them into coyotes though, they just pin holed through. I think I shot 5 coyotes before I switched back to the 55gr NBT.
  9. J

    270wby powder

    I ran a 270 Weatherby for a while. I had outstanding results with the 140 AB and 7828. I played around with the 150 ABLR with H1000, 7828, and RL-26, I couldn't seem to get it to shoot well. I also played with the RL-26 with the 140 AB. I was able to squeak out a bit more speed, but the 7828...
  10. J

    QL 6mm Creed please

    This has been my experience with the 88 ELDM in the 22CM as well. Went to the 95 SMK and never had an issue. That combo has accounted for several mule deer with some of the most impressive results I have ever seen from any caliber on deer. BUT, I quit using them for deer as half of the coyotes I...
  11. J

    Rl 26 in 338 rum

    I run RL26 in my 338 RUM with the 265 ABLR and have had stellar results. Getting 2940 out of a 26" tube.
  12. J

    Primer costs....very sad

    I can't remember where I heard it, but a guy was apparently selling used primers on gunbroker and had a bid of $40 :shock: To me, that is where the line gets crossed. I'm loading up what I can, and thinking about taking up yoga after I run out of primers. :lol:
  13. J

    Load for 340 Wby with 265 gr NABLR

    I run this bullet in my 338 Rum, and have been very happy with it from both an accuracy standpoint as well as terminal performance on game. Good luck!
  14. J

    6mm Creed 105 QL help?

    I ran the 105 VLD in my wifes 6CM. I had it up over 3300 with RL26 out of a 26" tube. RL26 never gave me the groups I wanted though. I switched to H4350 and lights out groups at 3175 fps. I would think that H4350 or RL23 would be great starting points. Best of luck to you!
  15. J

    Partitions Vs E-Tips ?

    Hi Guy. I've hunted with the 200 ET as well as a large variety of Barnes bullets in my 338WM for a lot of years. All of them work just fine. At lower velocities they do tend to not open up much. In my opinion this doesn't result in the energy dump that a partition will deliver (due to the fact...
  16. J

    Long range cartridges

    When I built my 22 CM I went with a Proof Research barrel because I wanted to keep the weight down a bit and I figured it would last me 5 years....but as much as I enjoy shooting it, I'll have 1,400 rounds down it in a 2 year time span. I've never enjoyed shooting a rifle as much as I have this...
  17. J

    Stability factor...

    I typically use it as a reference and not the gospel. If I'm close to a decent stability factor and they shoot good groups I run it down range and see if the BC matches up. If it doesn't match up but shoots good groups down range I just adjust my numbers to match what I'm seeing in the field and...
  18. J

    22 Creed finally load verified

    WOW!! That is fantastic! Great shooting, groups like that take a lot of shooter skill as well (at least that's my reasoning for never getting them :lol: ). From what I have been reading, a lot of guys are having great success with the heavies in a 1-8 twist. I run a 1-7 and struggled with...
  19. J

    2020 Hunting Pictures

    I had one of the best shooting days of my life Super Bowl Sunday! Was playing around at the range with my 22 Creed before the big game and things were going very well in a slight wind all the way out to the 1K gong. I was feeling pretty good about life. I decided before the game to go check on...
  20. J

    New Acquisition

    That is a heck of an acquisition! Congrats. I really like the 260 AB out of my 375 Ruger. I have smashed a few elk with it....I REALLY LIKE IT! Hope you will as well.