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  1. J

    .243 Win brass defects...anyone else??

    Thanks all for the replies, looks like it's not the first time this has happened. I also noticed that the head stamps have some really hard radius imprints on them too, like they were pressed way too hard in the equipment. I have four boxes of these; on the failed batch/box, when you look at...
  2. J

    .243 Win brass defects...anyone else??

    All good, sorry about the exclamation marks, I was more using them to emphasize my disbelief that I didn't notice them right away, and secondly that something that bad could come out of their production line. Wait and see what they have to say. I also posted this to see if maybe anyone else had...
  3. J

    .243 Win brass defects...anyone else??

    Oh is LOW on my list now
  4. J

    .243 Win brass defects...anyone else??

    YES!! I did nothing to these brass! As already mentioned, my fault. I should have meticulously inspeced as I always do when I prep my own brass. Previous to this, I have had good results with Nosler brass until now.
  5. J

    .243 Win brass defects...anyone else??

    Before I get into it, it is 100% my own fault for the mess I am in but it all started with my blind faith in Nosler products. I have been using their brass without any issues for a very long time. I recently opened a box of 50 brand new .243 Win brass and just started loading...MY FAULT. I...
  6. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    I hear you... for the umpteenth time...the shot was STRAIGHT ON. Straight on. It was 90 degrees, oblique, square, straight on. No angles, nothing extreme, nothing unique. Just a pure 90 degree pure natural broad side, bedded shot. This is why I posted this whole story. No angles at all. I have...
  7. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    My bad, sorry I missed this was from recent production line.. Cheers
  8. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    Here is the buck...
  9. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    I appreciate and agree with your last paragraph...I am also guilty as charged. I have a fortune in bullets to reload of various designs; new and hype and good old fashioned reliable classics. I've only had two times where the bullet grenaded this badly. The other time the animal only went ten...
  10. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    Thanks everyone for the replies. Yes I'm certainly not here to try and speak in negative tongues about the BT, its just that I have made these shots before with different bullets without such disastrous outcomes. Previous comment about possibly quartering was a direct, oblique, 90...
  11. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. I certainly learned that on this last deer. I actually had intended all along to use my Partition loads, but the BT's were so much more accurate and I ran out of time to get to the range for further load development on the Partitions, so I just ran with...
  12. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    Yes that is correct...the small fragments stayed on course straight into the lungs and the mass of the bullet did a ninety degree hard right after disintegrating the left shoulder in its entirety.
  13. J

    95 grain Ballistic Tip failure on a whitetail

    Hi all, A couple of weeks ago I did some reasearch here because I was having much better accuracy with the 95 grain BT's than my 85 grain Partitions, in my .243. Having only used the partition in a hunting environment and not the BT other than at targets, I seeked advice from others...many here...