This is not an in-depth review, but I'll cover the general features that seem important in this style a scope. Yes, this scope is a winner with a brilliant reticle and only minor complaints.
First off, if you want specs, you can go to the website at to see the details and info...
In Nosler factory ammo, yes, that’s what I now understand. It still differs from the component bullets I’ve used over the years. The image is deceptive as well. No worries, I’ll gladly shoot them!
Thanks for the details! I did not buy seconds, nor does it specify such on their box. In fact, the images of both the loaded round and the component bullet lack a cannelure. This is, at best, misleading by Nosler. The inconsistency between components, seconds, and loaded ammo should be specified...
I just bought 2 boxes of Nosler ammunition in 25-06 with the 115gr NBT. I opened the boxes to inspect the rounds and noticed that they all have a cannelure. I remember loading these for the 25-06 years ago but do not remember them having a cannelure. Nosler's website even states that the 115gr...
Since you throw one long gun into the trash barrel, it becomes a 2-gun competition. I’ve never understood the Hunter Biden aspect of this arena, tossing a perfectly serviceable firearm in the trash. It seems to go against being a responsible gun owner. Yes, sarcasm is included. I couldn’t resist...
I think there are applications for both when using a double. Doubles no matter the orientation are just plain cool! The bigger question remains; is the double the correct shotgun for your intended purpose, or would a pump or auto be more suitable? As a reloader, the spent hulls are more of a...
I couldn’t resist the deal on this 311. It matches my dad’s 20ga 311a that he bought in the early 60’s. My research shows the 311d was only made in 68-69, with the ‘69 models having serial numbers due to the congressional firearms law of 1968. The barrel is stamped “12V,” making it December...
It seems to me that Leupold was once the king of affordable quality optics and were known to hold zero for decades. Once they started offering the CDS dial, things changed. Holding zero was no longer the priority to consumers, and I suspect that the CDS either exposed a flaw in the tracking of...
After taking some time to research the progression of various Redfield scopes, I've found some specifics on this particular model. The Widefield Illuminator is of 1980's vintge and is USA made. They did make an Ultimate Illuminator later on that was made in Japan. When I look through this...
Thanks AFG. Great article on Redfield. If this scope needed repair, no way would I pay $90 and up along with an 18 month wait. It sure looks like it was quality glass in its day though.
Anyone know the history of the Redfield Widefield Illuminator series scopes? I recently acquired a Model Seven stainless in 308 topped with a 2-7 Illuminator. It's not the Accutrac, just standard adjustments with duplex reticle. It has NO country of origin anywhere on the scope. I plan on...
Way cool! There is so much character to that rifle how could you ever pass it up? Great find.
Could the lever to the left of the peep somehow lock/unlock for windage adjustment?
Just a real random thought...have you checked to make sure the ejector can be pushed down? If a piece of brass got in there preventing it from "plunging," then it could create a high pressure issue.
Some early Winchesters had similar issues, and most were out of round chambers. Yours sounds more like an off-center clambering where the axis of the bore isn't exactly centered with the axis of the action. This could be the action itself or the barrel. Its normal to have to bump the shoulder on...
I just find it strange that I'm so much more inconsistent with the Glock. I'm not a new shooter, just new to a Glock. I can shoot my Ruger SR9c instinctively better than I can the Glock slow fire. I'd go with a 1911, but 7-8 rounds of a slow mediocre penetrator that weighs a lot isn't what I...
I do wear glasses, for just over a year now. This isn't an issue with any other handgun. The notch on the G20 seems plenty wide to me. The front dot just disappears sometimes. I don't have this issue with a 3-dot or the dot the "I" on my Kahr. The magazine issue isn't really that big a deal...
Thanks Salmonchaser! I knew I wasn't the only one with the Glock grip angle, but I wasn't sure if it was more due to the size of this grip. A sight change is probably what I'll try first. Who knows, I might be hitting exactly where I'm aiming since I can't see the front sight very well...I'll...
First off, I might have set myself up for this from the beginning since Glocks don't point naturally well for me. They point high, but I felt the larger frame and slide weight would help this issue.
Let me back up a little and say that the 10mm is a fantastic cartridge when loaded to its full...
I think the more serious issue is based on immigration. If a dem is voted into office, I suspect the path to residency and right to vote for illegals will happen within the first term. This very well could be the last "regular election" held in the United States of America.