I'm a retired Deputy Game Warden here in PA. I've had the honor to handle some 700 to 800lb. bears that were under the influence of Ketamine. We would have to trap and relocate bear every year because of bear/ human interaction. I can tell you one thing, a live bear of this size is VERY...
I've done that also, but because I got a smoking deal on ammo! That's how my Ruger No. 1 in 416 Rigby came to be. Got a case of Federal Premium 400gr. Swift A Frames for 400.00 bucks. A little better than half price at the time!
I haven't had the brass to compare but it seems the Nosler 7mm-08 brass I have has less capacity than the Winchester I used to use. Has anyone found this to be true or am I wrong?
I stayed right at 3000 with fire formed Winchester .375 brass. Looking to get away from the fire form gun with 8mm mag. brass. Cuts out a couple of tedious steps. Had to run .375 brass into a 338 die to form a false shoulder, load with pistol powder, pack with cotton, and fire in fire form gun...
I've had the rifle for quite some time, Ray retired in 2010. Probably16-17 years. Most of my loads were 250gr. Sierra GK with r-19 or R-22 loaded to 3000fps through my Pact chronograph. Some were hotter, 3025,ish. No signs of pressure but common sense said probably too hot.
I hate to see that. I've done a lot of buisness there. Bought a lot of guns there, most times they were cheaper than Grices. In fact my last rifle purchased was a Remington M7 from Bob's.