.270 Winchester...SCORE!



I blundered into a sweet rifle today... a 1992 Ruger 77 MkII Express in .270Win. Barely fired, beautiful wood, nary a scratch on it. I've wanted one of these for years...couldn't lay money down fast enough.

Apparently it's a bit of a rare oddball with a non-standard serial number but that's beside the point...I'm a hunter, not a collector. Still looking at the serial and asking folks around who know about such vagaries...but at this point I'm planning on taking it out this fall for caribou and maybe a moose if the right shot comes along.

I've not much experience with a .270 ...anyone got any good recipes or load suggestions built around ABs or Partitions.

Thinking it's tailor made for one of those retro SWFA Leupold 3x straight tubes in Ruger low rings.
nvbroncrider":39qzoe05 said:
Just put a fixed 6 and call it good.

BK":39qzoe05 said:
Yea, a 6x42 FX3 would be fantastic on that.

I'm with both these very smart guys. I just love a fixed 6x scope. It is my favorite. I think old Mr. Miner will come along in a bit and say the same thing! He's so predictable. :mrgreen:

I worked up a load for my friends Remington MTN rifle with the 22" barrel using Federal Magnum primers, Winchester Cases, and H4831SC, and 130 gr. Partitions. 59.0 grs. gives him 3030 fps chronographed and 3/4 inch groups at 100 yards. He's taken several elk (nice bulls), antelope, and deer with it. Either the 130 gr. Partition or AccuBond would be great. If neither one of those worked out, the 140 gr. might be the ticket.

Post a picture or three for us please! :evil:
Those were great looking rifles. Post up a photo when you can!

3x, 6x, either would be great. On a rifle with such sweet lines, I'd be tempted to mount the smaller 6x with the 36mm objective lens.

You might be hunting in thicker country though, where the 3x would make a lot of sense. Sometimes I wish I'd put a 3x on my Ruger Number One instead of the 1.5-5x variable. I've got a real appreciation for the light, simple and rugged Leupold fixed power scopes.

Nice find - I don't think a ton of those models were made. Very good looking rifles. All I know about the .270 is that it doesn't kick much, and when my hunting buddy squeezes the trigger on his, tags are filled...

Sounds like a nice find, considering where you live I wonder if a good 150 gr bullet might be a bit better, it would penetrate a bit deeper and still shoot flat enough.
BK":1i8aiwo7 said:
Yea, a 6x42 FX3 would be fantastic on that.

+1 on the scope.

Get some rl22 or H4831 and some accubonds and call it a day.
That sounds like a great find on your part. Congratulations! I do like the idea of the fixed power scope. I think Gerry is correct in suggesting considering the heavier bullet.
That sounds like a very good rifle right there. Can't wait to see the pictures of it.

Haven't really did a ton of loading for the 270 Win, but I know ROVERT has recently had alot of great groups and excellent speed with RL22 and 130 AB's and BT's. I wanna say on the order of 3150-3200 with them. I don't know of many caribou or moose that would shrug any of them off. I do like the 150's in my WSM though, but only because I can push them about as fast as the Win pushes the 130's.

I kinda like the idea of the 3X on the rifle. Seems very traditional and you aren't hunting small game, so 3X should be more than enough to frame a moose or caribou! Again, looking forward to the pictures and groups with the rifle. Sounds like a sweet one.
I've had good success using H-4831SC, IMR-4064 and IMR-4350 with 130, 140 and 150gr bullets. My current load is 58.0gr of H-4831SC under a 140gr Nosler Accubonds. This load has replaced excellent loads using 130 Sierra Gamekings, 140gr Hornady SSTs, 140gr Sierra Gameking HPBTs, 150gr Speer Grand Slams and 150gr Nosler Partitions.

I have found this cartridge easy to workup accurate loads with and they all have been extremely efficient on whitetails and black bear. I have settled on the NAB for my all-purpose load and have taken WTs, BB and a Moose to date with nary an issue. This load is also my back-up elk rig.

I have some RL-22 and IMR-7828 that I want to play with now. Lookng for a good range load using all the 130gr NBTs I just scored form SPS. I will also play with the RL-22 and the 140gr NAB to see if they outshine my current load. I doubt it will be better but everytime I try to improve with this cartridge, it always seems to work.

Your rifle sounds very interesting but it is just a rumor without pics...
This thread is useless without pictures. :lol:

To be honest, I haven't done all that much with the .270. I got my first one in 1975 Worked up a 130 gr. bullet load and killed a deer. Didn't like the mess so switched to 150 gr. Nosler Partitions for what little hunting I did with it in the 70's. The load was 57.0 gr. H481, CCI 250 primer and Winchester brass. Dunno the velocity as I didn't have a chronograph back then. Load was very accurate.

About 4 years ago I got a smoking deal on a winchester M70 XTR with what looks very much like a McMillan synthetic stock in the Featherweight configuration. My thoughts were I could turn it around for a quick profit. I always shoot a new rifle, even if I do not plan to keep it. I wouldn't fel right turning it around saying it's a great shooter when in reality it isn't. So, I bought a box of Winchester 150 gr. Power points and went to the range. Any rifle that it literally out of the box that will do .75" groups four times in a row with factory ammo is a keeper, come hell or high water. I got tired of having to weigh charges of 4831 so tried Winchester Magnum Rifle powder. (WMR) Too bad Winchester dropped that one as it makes three different .270 rifles sing. Great velocity and very accurate with either the Sierra 150 gr. Game King or the 150 gr. Nosler Partition. I know it kind of goes against the grain and popular opinion but I just don't like 130 gr. bullets. FWIW, that WMR is also very very good in my .300 win. mag. I'm lucky as I have what should be a lifetime supply of that powder.
I'll admit I haven't used the .270 much in years past other than killing paper but I liked the way it worked on my antelope in 2009 using the 150 gr. Sierra GK so if I get lucky enough to draw a deer tag, methinks I'll take that .270 out for another spin. Who knows? I just might be a convert yet. :wink:
Paul B.
BK":2wgrw5q8 said:
Yea, a 6x42 FX3 would be fantastic on that.

My setup exactly, and I love it. Congrats! As far as the 130 AB, they do well with H4831, RL22, H4350, IMR4350, and I'm sure others. Anything in that medium to slow burn range should give acceptable results, and some will give really good results.
I just ordered a VX-6 boone & crokett.
I have been shooting for 270 win for over 40 years and have used 130 partitions and ABs for last I do not know how long.
That is for everything from Antelope to Moose and a have not had any problems animals seem to go down.
IMR4350 55grs remember that is close to max so you might what to work up to this:) 130gr.

Here's a pic...
I've got a couple of rifles with fixed 6Xs on them and I like that configuration very much...in fact it's pretty much my preferred scope for everything now.

But I'm thinking with the lines of the rifle and the quarter rib I might just stick a straight tube 3x on it. I believe a 42mm objective will sit higher than I like on the rifle. Heck, I may just check out the irons and shoot it old school style...


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Now that I've seen it, the 6x36 Leupold or the 4x Leupold would both look very nice you would be very happy! Nice looking rifle.

I have been shooting a .270 win at anything I can since 1998. I have had great success with Partitions, both the 130 gr and 150 gr as well as ballistic tips in 130gr. Accubonds I have not been able to group yet, but I HAVE NOT played with the jump at all, and that bullet really seems to like a lot of jump.

For any 130gr I always use 49.5 grains of IMR4064 ( Jack O'Connor favorite). Any rifle I have ever loaded this recipe for has always shot exceptional. This load has taken hundreds of groundhogs in Ohio, killed 10's of thousands paper targets, and a 130gr Partition smoked a very big Missouri 10 point at 20 yards this year with a frontal shot. The heart was cut in half and lungs jellied, liver was punched through, and the Partition ended up in the back hams somewhere.. never found it.

For 150 gr I shoot the Combined Technology Moly Free Partition ( wished they still made it). 52 grains of IMR 4350. This combo shoots exceptional out of the (2) rifles I load this for. This is my elk/mulie load and it has taken (2) of each. Shots ranged from 160 yards to 25 yards. I only found one on the very first elk I ever took, 160 yards quartering away. Entered third rib from back, punched both lungs, broke the off shoulder and came to rest under the hide. It still weighed 128grains !!!!! 85% weight retention. That bullet just rocks.

IMO you just purchased one helluva big game caliber. Yes there are bigger that do a better job, but the .270 is very versatile. Load it down for critters and practise all year long.

Congrats and nice looking rifle.

For 150 gr