After some searching my 30-30 ....


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
is en route to Cheyenne.

Got a great price on it too (less than a used Win 94 ranger goes for!) and it is unfired!!!
Made in 1968. Nice little Commemorative Winchester 30-30. Not crazy about Barak's home state but at least it has Lincoln on there......
Of course it will get shot.

Also thinking about a ladder type sight to replace the rear. What do you think??????





It is handsome enough. The commemorative editions of the 94 seem to pop up frequently. Sellers often bought them in the belief that they would grow in value; few have. Still, most are shooters. I'd say that you did well. Enjoy. I'm certain that your load work will be of interest. Congratulations on your find.
Cool find Fotis. The little 30-30 is always a great rifle to have around!
This one is going to ride around a lot in my truck
FOTIS":2oo8dsd9 said:
This one is going to ride around a lot in my truck

The Model 94 was built to accompany the individual who owns it. I believe you will honour the spirit of the creator who brought this rifle into existence.
Perfect truck rifle. My 270WSM is riding in the truck nowadays.. Should switch it out for a lever gun though!
SJB358":2qiz9jki said:
Perfect truck rifle. My 270WSM is riding in the truck nowadays.. Should switch it out for a lever gun though!

Even on base/camp? :mrgreen:
That is what I hated about our Base during my military career. Had to ensure no weapons in the vehicles.

Now I have to do the same with Echostar where I fly the satellites. No weapons of any sort on company grounds!!! ARGH!!!!!!
FOTIS":3m5f13wp said:
That is what I hated about our Base during my military career. Had to ensure no weapons in the vehicles.

Now I have to do the same with Echostar where I fly the satellites. No weapons of any sort on company grounds!!! ARGH!!!!!!

Yup, I watch my P's and Q's when I have to transit bases. Maryland is the worst. They are UnAmerican with their gun control!
Fotis -
Does Wyoming require you to case a rifle when you are in the truck, or just not have it loaded? Seems like most cowboy cadillacs I saw had a gun rack in the back window or overhead in the cab. Everyone I hunt with in Montana has a rack or two in the cab.
that's as nice set too. I really like the overhead rack my buddy in Glendive has in his truck. Quick easy velcro strap access and I haven't hit my bald knob on it no matter how big the bumps so far!! :grin: