Good Mule deer hunt....


Oct 30, 2004
My father and uncle in colorado went hunting in western colorado near the small town of DeBeque.
My Uncle shot a 2 pt buck at about 300 yrds using my father's rem 243 with 95gr ballistic silvertips. He hit just below the heart and the buck ran alittle ways before dropping.
My father started the hunt with a custom mauser I built for him but the rain swelled the wood stock and the old weaver K6 fogged up. He switch to the 243 after my uncle got his buck. The next morning, as my father parked his truck to hike around, he spotted a 2 pt buck about 40 yrds away looking at him. The buck looked at him while my father loaded up and walk about 4 yrds towards the buck for a solid rest from low branched tree. It was a one shot kill thru the lungs and dropped right there.
The load is IMR4350, win cases, win large primers and the 95gr ballistic silvertips going alittle over 3000fps.

I live in DeBeque and you should see the bucks on the winter range right now! There are some real busters running around. If you come back here let me know. Maybe I can point you in some new direction for area to hunt. Where from town were you hunting?