How about a single shot 444?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
A re barreled Ruger #3 in 444 Marlin. Nice huh?

For sure aftermarket furniture on it. They did however produce a 45-70 in the #3 and the #1
FOTIS":21z1ucyi said:
For sure aftermarket furniture on it. They did however produce a 45-70 in the #3 and the #1

They surely did. One of my buddies has one, and it is quite handsome.
I had a #1S in 45-70. Very capable firearm but too light to shoot at 50K psi
FOTIS":bsxquiu8 said:
I had a #1S in 45-70. Very capable firearm but too light to shoot at 50K psi

I would think so! That would have been a handful.
It was with the 400 grain bullets at 2300 fps or so. Lightweight gun~
Nice looking rifle! I like the lines of that stock.

More than a custom barrel there...

Very nice.

My 444 is shooting really well, very happy with the rifle now. Wasn't sure how much I would like it, but I am hoping my wife takes it on as her close range rifle and woods rifle. It does recoil quite alot less than a similar load in a 45-70 and it is still chucking a pretty danged big bullet. That #1 is very nice. Love the looks of the stock, not sure how it would feel for load work though!
Nice steel butt plate. Remind me to wear my heavy coat when I go for a sumer walk to excavate some prairie dogs with my 444 earth mover. :) (yes, I know I think I am funny...)CL
I have the 444 marlin in a Marlin. It is the original Microgroove model, Some like cast some do not. This summer I will find out.

FOTIS":q2xt963u said:
I have the 444 marlin in a Marlin. It is the original Microgroove model, Some like cast some do not. This summer I will find out.


Very nice rifle Fotis.. That is identical to mine, except yours is probably smoother than glass, while mine is still working itself out some.

I will say I am impressed with the 444 so far though. Just a super easy caliber to load for.