Length of pull


May 4, 2011
So Ive noticed a handful of times that a particular rifle that I own is occasionally to the long side. I especially notice it with extra layers of clothing or when trying to snap the rifle to my shoulder.

The last time I went to the gunsmith he measured my LOP at 13.5” with a gauge, but Ive got a Browning BBR that feels just about right at 13.75” while the gun in my opening paragraph is 14.”

Should I just deal with it or get the stock chopped the .25-.5” and refit?

How pivotal are minute changes in length of pull?

Edit: I’m 6’2” tall and have a bit longer neck than average. Not sure either of those things matters much though.
If it bothers you, lop off a bit of it. Make it comfortable to shoot.

When I was shooting competition, I had an adjustable buttstock on my Model 70. For prone I'd lengthen the length of pull, then shorten it a bit for standing and sitting. That was kinda nice, it was a quick adjustment. Impractical for a hunting rifle though.

The Ruger RPR also has an adjustable length of pull, and the comb height is also adjustable. Made it easy to fit the rifle to me.

Just musing a bit over my morning coffee. :)

Regards, Guy
As I stated in another thread, I had a Browning Eurobolt that had a 14 inch LOP. It simply didn't fit me. It was a beautiful work of art, but to I never cut it down to fit. The primary reason was that it had a beautifully carved cheekpiece, and cutting down the stock would have meant reworking the cheekpiece. I should have paid the money to have the stock recarved, but if wishes were horses... If a rifle doesn't fit, it is a misery to get it to shoot consistently. A slight adjustment can make a great difference in comfort, and comfort makes a great difference in consistency, and consistency makes for a more accurate shooting experience.(y)
While LOP is a good measurement and has an effect on fit, it is just one measurement that makes a firearm "fit" an individual shooter.
Drop at the heel and comb are other measurements that effect the fit of a rifle, and feel to a certain individual. As you already noted, an individual's body dimension also effect fit. Some have stated that persons with longer necks benefit from monte carlo combs, while those with shorter necks benefit from the classic stocked firearm.
A stock should be selected on what feels best overall to the individual, and provides a proper fit so that firearm comes naturally to the shoulder and provides a good cheekweld and sight alignment. A well fit firearm will also reduce felt recoil for the shooter.

I too am a taller individual (6'2") with a longer length of pull. I have rifles that fit pretty well with lengthened stocks via thicker recoil pads. I also have rifles with normal, or slightly shorter LOP's. I have found that the shorter LOP rifles still work fine for me, as there are many hunting seasons where I am wearing heavier clothing and jackets that could be a hindrance with the longer LOP firearms. I have learned to use them, and do not find them to be a hindrance, as they are what I learned to shoot with. I also rarely shoot from the prone position, so do not experience the need for the longer LOP as noted above.

You may need to look at your shooting needs and most common shooting scenarios to determine if the longer LOP will benefit you, or if shortening the LOP will.
If you aren't sure whether it is worth the cost, you might be able to work out a way to test the length of pull adjustment by taking off the butt pad if it has one and trying different thickness wood spacers or some other cheap material, that way you can test if it even feels any better without spending the money.
I wish we could mount a scope on a rifle before we buy it. Then- shoulder the rifle with your eyes shut, Have some one watch you open your eye and see if your head/eye moves when you open your eye. If it does, the rifle dosent fit, and/or the eye relief is wrong. IMHO. You only get a couple chances at this before you "naturally" move yourself to fit the rifle. I do this when mounting scopes for people or helping them sight in. As most of you know, complaints that a scope"blacks out" or isnt clear are often about incorrect eye relief, angle behind the scope(stock fit). The gun that is "comfortable" is the one that lands in the "right spot" with out movement or adjustment. There is an old trick of taping a soda straw to the top of a shot gun receiver and doing the same thing. I dont know enough about shooting/fitting a shotgun but that's the concept. Like guy said- if cutting it is what it takes... Can you take off a recoil pad or but plate and try it? I did that w/ my slug gun for years. Didnt need the pad when I was hunting with a heavy coat on anyway. Fit was better, and shouldering was smooth and easy, Have a friend who hated his 20ga slug gun until we took the youth size stock off and put on a full size one. He's shot several deer /w it since. Just my .02 CL
Thanks for all of the advice fellas! I have been on a "length of pull" kick ever since my smith measured my LOP with his gauge.

According to his measurement even my best fitting rifle, my Model 70, is a bit long as it measures 13 15/16'' but it fits me better than any other that I own. That Browning BBR I mentioned in OP is a close second, coming in at 13.75." My Swift with factory stock and pad runs 13 13/16."

The rifle I was considering chopping down is my old hand me down Savage 99E .308 - it has an LOP of 14.25"

The smith said if you're within .5" of your correct length of pull that it shouldn't give you any grief. Being as that old Savage is definitely not in danger of losing any sort of collector value either way, I think I will probably chop it down to 13.5" Or buy a thinner grind to fit recoil pad and achieve the same end without cutting any of the wood away.