New Bulldog 44 SPCL

With that short barrel and light weight, I would go with a 180gr-200gr lead semi wad cutter being a close-range belly gun to hold recoil down and still have the terminal effect desired from a large hole and full penetration.
Yeah I'm a SWC fan in handguns and they just flat-out work. No need for expensive JHPs or other jacketed type bullets.
Nice one Fotis.
I'd carry a 240 gr hard cast at 1000 fps.
10.0 grs Unique should get you there.

Jim I do not this that is possible since the max pressure is 15500 psi for the 44 spcl. There are 3 tiers of pressure with the 44 spcl not unlike the 3 tiers of the 45-70.
Some argue that the Charter arms bulldog falls in #1 (so it won't get rattled loose) and others say it can take tier 2 psi (22000). Tier 3 loads are Elmer Keith loads. I.E. 250 gr Keith with 17.5 gr of Alliant 2400 OUCH! But that is for Ruger Blackhawk.
For light loads Hodgon Tite group is your friend. A starting load of 4.0grs under a 185gr LRNFP produces 819fps in an 8" barrel and 6,600cups. 4.5grs under a 200gr LRNFP produces 846fps in an 8" barrel and 8,600cups.
This powder responds well with lower then published powder charges in pistol cases.
Since you are using a revolver you could probably start with 3.5grs with either bullet and have a powder puff load.
3.5grs under a 185 lswchp in a .45apc works a 1911 action with a 6oz red dot on the slide and a 12lb recoil spring and cut the X out of a 25yd target. MV is right around 700fps out of a 5" barrel.
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Sorry I misread and was thinking 44 Mag.
Son of Sam used a 44 Mag as I recall

Sorry I misread and was thinking 44 Mag.
Son of Sam used a 44 Mag as I recall

Nope Charter arms bulldog 3" blued version. I remember the day they caught him! I was 11 years old. Nobody walked around NYC by themselves back then. We were terrified.

"On August 10, 1977 NYC police surrounded Berkowitz when he left his apartment, holding a .44 Bulldog in a paper bag. When Berkowitz was arrested, he allegedly told police “Well, you got me. "
A friend carried one of those 44 special bulldogs in the back pocket of his stagged jeans when helicopter logging in Alaska. It was the smallest, lightest, out of the way thing that had a chance dissuading a bear. Hard cast bullets.
Nope Charter arms bulldog 3" blued version. I remember the day they caught him! I was 11 years old. Nobody walked around NYC by themselves back then. We were terrified.

"On August 10, 1977 NYC police surrounded Berkowitz when he left his apartment, holding a .44 Bulldog in a paper bag. When Berkowitz was arrested, he allegedly told police “Well, you got me. "
I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification.

Well I picked up the bulldog . I was surprised by the quality. Single and double action trigger pulls are good and smooth. Due to the winds I did not go to the range to shoot it. (Imagine that! wind in Cheyenne!) I did get some Hornady critical defense 165 gr.
I also reloaded 200 gr cast with 4 gr of Bullseye for plinking and then 7.5 gr Unique with 200 gr powdered hard cast and 200 gr XTP's. Interested to see what velocities I get from a 2.5" tube.