Odd couple rifles to the range

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Spent the afternoon out at the range setting up for tomorrow's training.

Knew that I had to run through the courses with my 5.56 rifle, but somehow the .375 managed to sneak out to the range as well! :grin: Can't remember shooting the .375 after the Ruger destroyed the rockchuck last summer.


I really do like this rifle!


Had a box of 50, all loaded up with 300 gr Gamekings.

Did some snap shooting. 50 yards, just haul the rifle up and bust loose with a 300 gr bullet as soon as the crosshairs were on target. Good practice. As you can see I was pressing the trigger about the time the crosshairs came up on the paper plate most of the time. Need to work on that a bit.

Admittedly, the first 300 grainer really got my attention! After that though, the ol' Ruger and I got along just fine. We finished up, then I turned to the 5.56 AR-15. Here's where I was practicing. Have to shoot under and around the board, using it as cover. Pretty fun!

It's very simple to build:

All in all it was a good afternoon. Cool, high 30's, but mostly dry. The snow is gone from my range, and tomorrow should see some good training for the guys and gals.

It sure was fun busting loose with the .375 again!

How do you fit "behind" that plywood, I would think that would be a challenge? How much time does one get, to get done on their knees and then into prone to shoot under it? Couple of min??
That looks as if it would be instructive, Guy. I believe I'd definitely require a bit of time to get up once I was down, though dropping down would likely be life-threatening for me. You've got that 375 speaking the language quite well.
Me too DrMike, I can not breathe without oxygen prone. My lower lungs are filled with CO2 from having Bronchiectasis. Good thing that I can shoot sitting and offhand.
Elkman":38nl6ptt said:
How do you fit "behind" that plywood, I would think that would be a challenge? How much time does one get, to get done on their knees and then into prone to shoot under it? Couple of min??

I'll have an old chunk of carpet on the pavement for the guys & gals when they train with their AR-15's. Makes it a little easier on the uniforms as well as on their knees and elbows.

The plywood cutout is plenty big to hunker down behind, and pretend it's cover.

They shoot the right side of it right handed, and the left side of it from their left shoulder, left hand on the pistol grip, left eye through the sights etc. Helps stay mostly behind cover.

Kneeling is great for this. Sitting is okay, but hard to get out of in a hurry. Some ol' jarhead went and taught everybody "rice paddy prone" too. :mrgreen: So we use that, just squatting down and shooting.

Prone is tough. Conventional prone is way too high for shooting under the board, so the shooter has to roll over onto their side, left or right, to make it work. Gives a real cockeyed sight picture too. It's as though shooting under a car or truck, or some other barrier.

I don't give them much time. Get in, shoot, change positions, shoot, change, shoot. Reload. Move. Run to the barrel. Hide behind it, engage the next target. Good fun, and hard work. Those of us over 50 seem to have a tougher time with it.

I trained with an RCMP firearms instructor while living in Valemount. The course he had devised was a good course, but I believe yours will be more realistic. I've shot a few times with the local RCMP rifle instructors in the past as well.
Not to steal this post, but how does the 270 gr. bullets do out of the three-seven-five?

I really like this rifle with the 24" barrel, as vs. the 26" in the .338.
Kodak, there are some good tests of various .375 bullets in the bullet test section. I've only used the 260 Nosler AccuBond on one black bear and it worked great. The 270 gr bullets I've practiced with were accurate and it's no problem getting 2700 fps from them.
I don't have a problem going prone as my naturural position involves sleeping being a couch potato. I do however need a crane to haul my carcass vertical after sleeping or engaging things from my natural reclined state. :D
Firearms training has come a long way from the FBI Crouch with your fist over your heart I'm glad to see. I like that you make them shoot left and right handed. Cover is the most important thing IMHO. Shooting back is optional I like to tell folks but cover is MANDATORY!
Guy- Question: It looks as though your range is paved. I guess that is more likely for you professionals. Is that range open to the public? Our club is so concerned about ricochet risk that we get into arguments agout how much gravel to use around the shooting stations. Is it just not a concern because there is enough open space down range? My contention has always been that "gun control" is all that is required, but again we are a more public range and some of us are definitely not "pros".

You mentioned "rice paddy prone". Made me think of Dad. He was notorious for dropping to one knee, supporting with an elbow and shooting. The story goes that one afternoon he is walking across the prairie, along a pretty good bluff and he steps on a porcupine who was apparently thinking about hybernating in the open that winter. Of course the prickly moves under foot causing Dad to loose his balance and go down. Years of falling off a horse must have served him well because, as my cousin put it, "your Dad never lost the rifle...just rolled with the slope a time or two, came up on one knee and his butt, facing up hill, threw the rifle up, and smoked him almost point blank". Ive still got a few of the quills. Dad always said it made him more steady but was still high enough to stay above the grass and keep pear spines out of your belly button. :) do you teach/practice "one knee"? CL
It's a law enforcement range, shared by several agencies. Time to time we make it available to the Boy Scouts for the Marksmanship merit badge, or to the Hunter Safety class. Occasionally to some other group. But it's owned by law enforcement and used primarily as such. Occasionally a bullet will bounce off the pavement from a low shot - but this range has one heck of a natural backstop:


That's privately owned, unused, property for miles back there. The land for our LE range was donated by the landowner many years ago. There's no danger of hitting anybody or anything beyond our range.

What you're describing - one knee down - sounds pretty much like a standard kneeling position taught to all my officers. Seems your dad made a great shot!

"Rice Paddy Prone" came out of Korea, Vietnam, and perhaps WWII, though I haven't found any references to it that far back. It's simply dropping down to a squat, like a weightlifter does, but deeper, and shooting from that position. Works great. Some people can't do it, I really like it. Sorry, don't have a photo of anyone shooting from "Rice Paddy Prone" maybe someday I'll take one and post it.

Regards, Guy
"Rice Paddy Prone" came out of Korea, Vietnam, and perhaps WWII, though I haven't found any references to it that far back. It's simply dropping down to a squat, like a weightlifter does, but deeper, and shooting from that position
I spent some training time learning that position. I am not sure my balance is that good any more. Most of my game has been killed, either kneeling or prone. I have made a few very good shots kneeling that were noteworthy, primarily because of the lack of a suitable rest. If you have a tree or log to help with the stability, its really a great field position.
"But it's owned by law enforcement and used primarily as such. Occasionally a bullet will bounce off the pavement from a low shot - but this range has one heck of a natural backstop"

Figured it was somthing like that. I shoot at a very "Urban" range. Well the town grew around it..... so we are always having to worry about that.

I decided after I missed a deer last fall that all my shooting is going to be "offhand" this year. Liked seeing that 45-70 group. Dont think I can do that with my 12ga slug gun but Im gonna practice...! Any Ideas or suggestions? CL