Rem 700 ejector issue


Dec 13, 2006
I bought a used Rem 700 SPS. Rifle was originally a 223 but had a Shilen barrel placed in 6mm.

Shoots great but.....brass extracts but does not eject. Extractor leaves brass inside the mag well (bdl)

Are the Ben great ejectors that are meant to do this or is the a ejector problem?
Pull the bolt and see if the ejector plunger is stuck...its on the bolt should push in with a fair amount of spring pressure.... shouldn't be stuck or weak.

Could just be debris in there... maybe a weak or broken spring under it.

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It could also be the extractor... but I'd check the ejector first.

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Did that.....seems to function fine.

Here is a link to a video

I shot probably 30 rounds through it today and only 4 of the earlier rounds ejected when I ran the bolt fast. All the others were like shown in the video.
Yeah that looks like the extractor isn't holding to me.... dropping it before the case clears the front of the ejection port.

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Ya, extractor is a pretty easy replacement.

Ejector on one of my 700's gave me fits after a barrel swap, some debris got into it. Took a thorough cleaning to get it working properly again.
Yes sounds like extractor is letting go with the slightest angle off center. Luckily on standard 700 bolts the is easily replaced. On 700 magnums .532 face the extractor is built in the face. I built a custom 700 la action receivers BD barrel for a 338 wi Mag. When I went to check action this was the identical result. The magnum bolt faces required a Speacialist tool to adjust them. So I took rifle to local smith and voila. For standard extractor there are you tube videos that make it a snap.

Good luck

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You I surfed YouTube last night, ordered an extractor from Midway.

The bolt face is based upon a 223.

I am impressed with the 6x45. Very mild recoil, 70 gr bullets at 3050 FPS.

Will take to central Oregon next month and chase coyotes.
Come to the yearly Cougar Camp at Cabin Lake area. Feb 7th through 17th 2020. I bet that 6mm bullet will do the job.
Hoping to come back this year. Wanting a snowy camp.

First time I went, cold (15) and snowy. Lots of deer.

Last time I came several years ago, I was hiking it a long sleeve shirt.
I have three boxes of 85gr partitions from when I owned a 6x45. Very neat little round!

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I have been shooting 70gr Noslers. Just bought 500 more.
70gr bullet at 3000 FPS
Agree, fun rifle. Accurate without any recoil
In 2001 I had a Mod 700 SA with .223 bolt face made up into a 6x47mm ( 222 Magnum necked up. ) I used the older 85xbt over BLC2 for 2900fps. It made up into a real cutie! I don't doubt the 6x45 would do the same.