***UPDATE*****Very annoyed....ballistics app...I want something apparently nobody makes..........!!!!...????


Dec 24, 2011
Really simple and I am not sure why this is so ridiculously difficult to find.

I have tried every available app I can find and none of them do what I am seeking. None that I have found yet anyways..

Looking for a ballistics app that I can simply input all parameters but I want to put in an impact height at a certain yardage and then give me a solution.

Example being...
I want to have an impact of 2.8 inches high at 100 yards.
Rather than keep playing with a zero...adding a zero distance, then backing out, adding another one, until I can find the zero distance that gives me the height or drop I am looking for at a particular yardage...
Instead of all that I'd simply like to input what I am trying to achieve. The program itself can do the math I just want the option to put in anyting really.
Perhaps I want to be 3" high at 188 yards. Maybe I want to be 5" low at 406 yards.

If there is a ballistics app out there that can do such a thing please pass along as nothing I've found can do this very simple but highly valuable(by me) step.

Thanks in advance for any replies and good day
JBM will do data in about any increments but you can't pick certain drops at various distances. You can pick odd zero distances just nothing like -5.00" at 406yds. If you pick 10 yard interval distances you could probably figure that out though.
JBM will do data in about any increments but you can't pick certain drops at various distances. You can pick odd zero distances just nothing like -5.00" at 406yds. If you pick 10 yard interval distances you could probably figure that out though.
I have many apps that do all that. I can pick an exact zero like 419 or 777 or whatever odd number...
It's amazing to me in 2024 there isn't one app that allows a simple plug in of a bullet path height at whatever yardage and give a solution on the rest. The program and math is all the same on the app but nobody simply has that option. None that I have found yet anyway
I don't see where you input your zero but I have many apps that can allow me to make my zero whatever I want. I can make my zero 388 if so desired and calculate, show it in any increments down to 1 yard.

What I can't do is put in a desired impact height and get a solution.

If I want to be 2.88 inches high at 150 yards...
I'd like to enter that information and then calculate.

The apps I've seen I can keep changing a zero to achieve that and get there but I'd like to just input and calculate

If that does it that would be great. I'll check it out.
Might be the only one I've not messed with.
Hornady 4moa,
Streak, to you name it.
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I don't see where you input your zero but I have many apps that can allow me to make my zero whatever I want. I can make my zero 388 if so desired and calculate, show it in any increments down to 1 yard.

What I can't do is put in a desired impact height and get a solution.

If I want to be 2.88 inches high at 150 yards...
I'd like to enter that information and then calculate.

The apps I've seen I can keep changing a zero to achieve that and get there but I'd like to just input and calculate

If that does it that would be great. I'll check it out.
Might be the only one I've not messed with.
Hornady 4moa,
Streak, to you name it.
What exact muzzle velocity and specific bullet are you shooting? I'll plug it in.
Not to offend you in any way, May I ask why do you want to go through all that Math and numbers? It's too much of a headache for me that its easier for me to pull out the Kestrel and plug in my distance and make the shot.
Maybe you're not following me...
My issue isn't "all that math"

The math is already built into
any of these dozen apps i have just like your Kestrel.
I can plug in whatever zeroed distance and get a solution. Just as fast and accurate as the kestrel. They all run on similar software.

What they don't allow is for me to put in a NON zeroed impact height at a particular distance and see the entire solution.
Perhaps I want to see an entire flight path solution being 2.4 inches high @ 269 yards. (As example)

Once I set my speed, bullet/bbl/wind/barometer, etc specifics, my only option after that is asking for my desired zero distance.

If I want to see 2.4" high at 269 yards...i have to keep changing my zero until the path hits at 2.4" at 269 yards.

Nobody that I've found yet, asks me for my desired impact height at a desired distance.
All of them only ask for the zero.

I'm actually trying to create less time or math in a sense...
By simply goimg straight to a desired impact height, plus or minus at a particular distance.

All it would require is two additional questions
Desired height
Desired distance

I'd put in ....(again only as example)
Desired height: 2.4"
Desired distance: 269 yds

Hit calculate...

I could then see the entire flight path from muzzle to whatever max distance i set in the input section of any of these apps. It would include my desured imlact height at desired distance and at some point in the path the intersecting zero.
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****UPDATE ******

The JBM does exactly what I'm looking for.
I still don't know how to reset the screen to start fresh but it does what I'm looking for!!

Thanks to whomever put that up.

Apparently I posted a near identical thread 4 years ago looking for same thing.
JBM was listed then and I acknowledged it was what I was looking for. Then I just stopped shooting metallic for a spell.

JBM works great and exactly what I was looking fir.

Thx for the JBM suggestion.
Have you tried going out to the Calculations page and then back into the specific calculation program to see if it will reset? Sometimes it saves info from the previous session but if that doesn't work you might try refreshing the page itself to see if it will reset. Otherwise you might have to totally close the program and reopen it.