About a month ago some of you might recall a FN Mauser 300 WM I picked up for $450. Had a Leupold VXII 3-9 on it. I took the bases and scope off of it and am keeping that. Figured when I bought it, that the scope was 2 bills any day, whether on a table or somewhere like ebay.
Kicked around different options with it but everything involved re-barreling of some sort, and probably another stock. The magnum bolt face limited my options.
Worked out a trade for this very clean Rem 788 in 308 carbine. I got one like it in a 7mm-08 carbine. When all was said and done I have the same $450 in this rifle as I did in the FN, but now I got a Leupold scope to use and a rifle that is easier to make money on if need be. Carbines in the 788 are not common, this one is not as tough to come by as the 7mm-08 but these rifles in nice condition bring money. This one I might hunt with and will for sure shoot it. Am figuring it will be a shooter just like every other 788 I've ever pulled a trigger on.

Kicked around different options with it but everything involved re-barreling of some sort, and probably another stock. The magnum bolt face limited my options.
Worked out a trade for this very clean Rem 788 in 308 carbine. I got one like it in a 7mm-08 carbine. When all was said and done I have the same $450 in this rifle as I did in the FN, but now I got a Leupold scope to use and a rifle that is easier to make money on if need be. Carbines in the 788 are not common, this one is not as tough to come by as the 7mm-08 but these rifles in nice condition bring money. This one I might hunt with and will for sure shoot it. Am figuring it will be a shooter just like every other 788 I've ever pulled a trigger on.