Winchester Model 70 XTR?

Dr. Vette

Apr 16, 2012
Anyone have opinions on a newer Model 70 XTR?

I am looking at one in 243 for a good price. It looks like new, and although it was apparently a less expensive M70 the wood and finish are nice. I would prefer another Vanguard but sometimes you take what shows up. :grin:


The XTR (push feed) preceded the Classic CRF. All that I owned shot well, and I wouldn't hesitate to own one again if it were in a calibre I wanted. I prefer the CRF, but it is for no other reason than sentiment.
I feel the same way as DrMike and others. The XTR Model 70 is a good value and I have owned several of them, including a .375 H&H which have served me well at the range and in the field. The XTR in its day was the Model 70 Primo. They started offering FW's at about that same time the early 1980's. Some of these rifles had really nice wood and shot as well as the Winchester Model 70's ever have done. I would not hesitate for a minute in buying one of the XTR's in any caliber that I needed.
I had this rifle vintage '82 and it shot lights out. I wish now I never would have sold it.

...the XTRs were very good rifles, Winchester's version of the Remington BDL of the time...
I'm not the greatest fan of the .270 Win. but one day at a gun show I saw what looked like an M70 Featherweight with a synthetic stock, decent scope and the price was very right. Figured it was good trading material so I bought it. It was stamped XTR on the barrel. Well the stock is apparently a McMillan factory installed on thei 24" barreled .270 and always curious about how a new rifle shoots, bought a box od Winchester 150 gr. Power points to try the gun out. The guy selling it said it was sighted in 3" high at 100 yards and he wasn't lying. The first group from that rifle, 5 shot went into .75". :shock: I let it cool down for bout 20 minutes and shot another 5 shot group, waiting bout 2 minutes between each shot. The best group of the 4 went .50" and the worst was .80". I figured if my handloads do that well it's a keeper for sure. My load for te .270 is 57.5 gr. of WMR and the 150 g. Sierra Game King. The load does an honest 2900 FPS and is just as accurate as that Winchester factory load used to try the rifle out. That was the load I used on my 2009 antelope hunt and it did a beautiful job on my goat. :grin: Some preliminary work with the 150 gr. Nosler Partition leads me to believe results will be just a satisfying.
I've never figured out why i don't use the .270 more for my hunts. :?: Every time I've used one, the deer died so why I don't use it more, I just don't know.
Funny thing but I also have another Winchester M70 that has what appears to be a McMillan stock from the factory. It's a .300 Win. Mag with a blind magazine. My .257 Bob and 7x57 Featherweights are also marked XTR They're all keepers.
Paul B.
I have a couple and would buy more of them. My sons 7mm Mauser is very accurate and shoots excellent. My old 7mm mag isn't pretty but still shoots well.
Mine 300 WM is a 66 model. The push feed models are not as smooth as the CF models, and were cheaper than the per 64's. cheaper stock,stamped checkering, and the bottom metal is some unknown metal, probably recycled beer cans, or something similar. I purchased mine in 70 for $150, from a gentleman that closed his eyes when he shot it. It's shoots well, sub 1/2 in groups, and contrary to popular myth it will feed upside down. Especially handy if you shoot from that position often, ( I never have, nor do I practice that way). I did replace the trigger after 40 years and am happier. I carry it 30 so days a year, and she. (unlike most women) has always done what I have asked, plus some. It ant't pretty but it always been up to the task.
I had a featherweight in 6.5 swede. Very good shooter.
Well, he didn't reply to me for a day or so and sold it to someone else.
I'm back to looking for another 243. Thanks for all the opinions though, as I can broaden my search.