I got myself in trouble, again


Nov 1, 2012
Well, I have a Glock 17. After shooting it some, I just cant warm up to it. I have been wanting to sell it...

Just came back from my gunshop. As soon as I walked in, I saw this pistol on the wall. I had to see it. It was a FNX 9mm. I was eyeballing it, and the owner asked me why do I want another 9mm? I said I have always wanted an FNX, and he smiles and goes well just look at this. He reached under the counter and pulled it out. An FNX 45!!! I lit up like a Christmas tree, and he was laughing! I played with it, tried the trigger pull on DA and SA, and I couldnt put it down. Fit my hand like a glove!!! He had to wrestle it away from me.

After some small talk I asked if they would hide it for me, as I was going to bring in the Glock as trade fodder. We had a deal!

Very very happy right now, as I FINALLY will have a 45! I know its not a 1911, but 15+1 of 45 and it fit my hand like a glove and I couldnt let this one go.
Well, you're right, it's not a 1911 - which means that I'll need to re-load to shoot as many times as you can from your double-stack magazine...

Congrats. Sounds like you may have found "your" gun.


I have an FNX Tactical .45 and I love it! I sold my Glock 21SF a week after getting the FNX-T. :wink:

The FNX is made by the maker of the finest double stack bottom feeder in existence, Fabrique Nationale d'Herstal.

While it's not a P-35 or even a 1911 I venture it will shoot well. Congrats on your new purchase.
Thanks. I just sold my G17 today, and am paying off the FNX/picking up my Marlin Friday. I wont be able to get the FNX home until after the new year, but I have the Marlin to play with until then :)
Very nice pistol!! I havent shotvthe 45 version yet but the 9mm models are nice. I think you're going to love it.

I'm not a Golck fan either but only because of their aesthetics, trigger and how they feel on my hand. They are great pistols otherwise. Totally reliability which is the bottom line.

I was going to highly recommend the P220 in your other thread but wont now. :) Their reliability puts them above the 1911s for a carry gun. The FNX will undoubtedly be just as reliable.