Looking for a place to travel next March


Dec 2, 2010
My wife and I would like to go some place warm next winter with the hopes of doing some fishing. We are open to the Gulf Coast, California, Mexico, Hawaii or other area that offers good fishing and a nice place to spend a few days relaxing and enjoying the local hot spots. My idea of going to Lake of the Woods was shot down.
My wife and I have a time share in Mazatlan but have not been there in 5 years or so because of the drug cartels and murders. But some places like Cabo San Lucas have great fishing and warm weather in March. The greatest fishing for off-shore, pelagic species is May through October. Inshore species are usually good fishing mostly year round.
My wife and I are going to Hawaii this March. We made friends with a local business man who has a event venue where he host weddings and parties that he gave us free access to for renewing our marriage vowels and also books a condo on one of the Hawaiian Islands that he offers to honeymooners for honeymoons and sets up travel and all.
Check Walkers Overlook on the internet.
I've got friends that go to Mexico still.

Barring a shootout at a hotel, traveling on the highways at night, and kidnapping a couple of tourist it's relatively safe.

I don't go across the southern border. :) Hawaii looks good from here. So does St. Simons Island off the Georgia coast.


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The issues that I have always had with Hawaii and the Caribbean down to Grand Cayman is the cost. Mexico has better fishing and lower costs, unless you are going to Belize or south. I have been their and fished from California to Costa Rica. Costa Rica is good, the cost on the pacific are a little higher but it is safe and a wonderful country.

The Caymans used to be wonderful for tourists being more of a Canadian resort area the prices were lower and the fishing was great when I fished there 40 years ago.
Safe? anymore where is it safe? I grant some places are more civilized than others but there is always that idiot that wants to tempt fate. Mexico and it's corrupt government doesn't need my money. I would set up a 300yd mine field along the whole boarder and string some razor wire a a long with it with sensors to detect any tunneling. Believe in keeping the extreme wild life in their native habitat.
Sorry for the rant just can't stand criminals and would have one law for them.
Thanks for the info and help. Just looking around, I see that Venice, LA has a lot of info on it. I also read that you have the option to fish in-shore and off-shore. Rates look like 600-700 for a boat in-shore where you catch red fish. Going off-shore cost more but I understand that.

Any other ideas for state side fishing? We would like to keep it under a budget so we can also go back to Alaska next summer to fish and sight see up there again.
San Diego is better fishing as the boats go further out to sea south by Mexico in international waters. Costs of hotels is about the same, fishing is slightly cheaper from San Diego. I have fished out of both on overnight trips as far as 180 miles south into Mexico many times mostly for Albacore. The season starts to get wild in June though September.