FBI Back Round Checks

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
228,000 back round checks to purchase a hand gun that were failed to be processed by the FBI last year. It only took one this year to kill nine people in Charleston SC. So much for gun control laws. I wonder how the clerk that failed to process the data feels about now knowing She Helped Kill 9 people because She didn't do her JOB. :(
Vince, Sens. Murphy and Blumenthal of Connecticut have it all figured out. They want to pass a law that states "when purchasing a firearm you will wait for as long as it takes for a background check to be conducted before you can take possession of said firearm." Just like their "assault" weapons law that fell flat when the residents of Connecticut told them to go pound salt.
Sadly, no matter what laws are passed, gun control doesn't work. There will always be someone who snaps and shoots someone for some unknown reason.

Simply arm everyone at shopping malls, schools, churches, federal buildings, etc. and these wack jobs will rethink their ways.

Resurrecting an older post.

I don't know how this background checks thing really works. I've read a lot of horror stories of overlong waits after after applying for a new gun or CCW.
Not my experience at all in my state of Georgia, USA.
I used to buy a lot of guns. Still do occasionally.
I have never had to wait over 15 minutes to have my gun purchase approved by a background check.
I applied for my CCW and went that afternoon to be fingerprinted. The next day they called me at work to inform me I could pick up my CCW today. I was at work so I took off the next day and picked up my CCW. Just like that.
So it occurs to me that perhaps the individual states themselves create the major backups. I just wonder what part the FBI really plays in all this?
I'm not even in this discussion and I get brought up. :)

I will just state that I don't believe in background checks as they are an infringement on our Constitutional right to be armed. I also don't believe felons should be barred from owning firearms.

While I recognize that this would be dangerous I support freedom and freedom is always dangerous.


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Well said Vince. Some states will upon petition of the court restore a felons rights to vote and own gun. :shock: Arizona is one such state. I have a neighbor who is a felon and has had his rights restored by the court. BATFE says where it asks on the 4473 are you etc, the proper answer is no. Yet the FBI who does the background checks refuses to recognize that a citizen of this country who has had his rights restored his right to own a gun. :x They say you have to jump through a bunch of hoops and when you do at some expense, they still refuse to recognize a court order restoring rights. Just ask my next door neighbor.
I don't have time to get into details, but that 1968 gun control act is nothing more than Adolph Hitler's 1938 gun control act substituting felons for Jews. Google Senator Thomas Dodd and Congressman Emanuel Cellars, who co-sponsered that unconstitutional law.
Paul B.
I went to a local class on the matter, And the well informed answer I got was "no body knows what's going on". Supposedly the information the FBI Uses is supposed to be thrown away and NEVER stored. If you live in a state where your State police run a back ground also or they are the primary, they are also supposed to NEVER store the info......

the info is only stored at the POS (point of Sale) FFL dealer who sold the gun.

If that is the case how do they keep track of who the gun is registered to?

I'm sure I have screwed this all up but that is what my binder thick work sheet says.

oh yeah the class was called Oregon gun laws simplified. Yeah right.

all that being said, I bought a pistol a few years back and the back ground got held for some unknown reason. 5 days later the dealer called me up and said come get the gun. I said wow I finally passed he said he hadn't heard back but the law says after a certain amount of time your good to go anyhow.
Also why is it the process changes form store to store i.e. some stores you fill out the form they call, you pay and your out the door, and others you do the same process but you get finger printed.

what that all about
Some states consider having a CCW permit constitutes the background check. If you have the permit, no call to the FBI. Still some stores ignore that simpler process. Walmart is the worst offender. A pox on them.
Paul B.
yellow dog":3s8hm1i6 said:
I went to a local class on the matter, And the well informed answer I got was "no body knows what's going on". Supposedly the information the FBI Uses is supposed to be thrown away and NEVER stored. If you live in a state where your State police run a back ground also or they are the primary, they are also supposed to NEVER store the info......

the info is only stored at the POS (point of Sale) FFL dealer who sold the gun.

If that is the case how do they keep track of who the gun is registered to?


it's my understanding:
dealer calls FBI, FBI says yes or no, then it is the dealer's responsibility to keep track of the purchase for a set period of time (I believe I was told 5 years)

so in my eyes that says the dealer/seller is the only one with a record of serial number 1234 belongs to John Doe.

I would imagine that then if the FBI recovers a weapon they can run the number to:
1. see if it was used in a previous crime
2. trace it back to the store it was sold in, thus the previous purchaser

may not be right on my assumptions but the conversation I had with my brother-in-law over the weekend went way past the simple background checks and into the realm of a national license (sortof like a drivers license, different classifications, good for ALL states, NO record of what you bought or how many, just that you have proven yourself to be a responsible individual and you show it to purchase whatever firearm(s) you want just like you do with alcohol) but that is another whole topic/thread in itself
Well you are correct, up to a point. Agents of the BATFE make periodic visits to the various FFLs to check records of which THEY MAKE COPIES to take back. Sometime they even take the forms with them. I worked for a gunsmith who also took guns in trade and sold them later. Those 4473s are a form of registration that go into a data bank after the BATFE has copies.
Paul B.
My gunsmith is also an small time FFL and has verified what PJGUnner stated about copying 4473s. I wonder what happened to all the 4473's from the now non-existent gun shops from the '80s and before. My bet is there are boxes full of these old forms somewhere in some basement in Virginia or Maryland rotting away.

I always figured that the only guns not registered were bought privately, but maybe not. It wouldn't be the first time the government couldn't follow their own procedures or laws.