Attention all members read-------Keep it civil!!!!!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
It has been brought to my attention, and have personally noticed that some of us on here may be lacking in our forum's established etiquette.

We all have worked hard to keep this a civil and friendly place and I for one will not let anyone ruin that.
Your thoughts and opinions were never, nor will ever be censored on this forum. That said if they are conveyed in an inappropriate manner I will delete the post and warn the user.

Further inappropriate action form same individual, leaves the moderators with little choice and will result in expulsion.
As a reminder this is a "family" environment. We do have ladies and children present on this forum.

Thank you all for your time and cooperation!

We may all be in need of a reminder from time to time.


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Thanks Fotis. Sorry that it is at times necessary. I like my rose colored glasses......CL
Indeed...I like this forum because of the civil and professional nature of the majority of the participants. I only use a couple of forums but have tried several. This one is head and shoulders above others in that regard.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen.
One of the things I tell my crews, Learn to discipline yourself, so I don't have to. Because I will.
Usually brings them around.
Allegations and condemnations never bring anything good with them in their wake. A good strong substanciated argument can move a mountain and everybody who reads it gets moved(educated).
Some people can not get educated in the walks of life and peace by with them.
This is a good forum. I would hate to see it destroyed. Thanks Fotis for keeping up the good work.
Good reminder. Of course it is fine to have differing opinions but I do appreciate the way people here are able to discuss them without it degenerating into name calling and stuff like that. This is also a great place to learn about reloading whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran.
I feel that it appropriate to bring this thread back out...

It has come to my attention that there are people on this site that have been acting in an uncivilized manner, and are attacking certain participants on this thread through PM's, in a cowardly fashion, as they know (or ought to know) that many of the people that are regulars on this site will not accept this type of behaviour, and will block you, and that the Moderators can and will ban you from this site.

This is the only forum that I participate in, as I do not see the integrity and respectful postings encouraged and enforced elsewhere, as I do here.

Our pastime is under constant attack by narrow-minded individuals who do not respects other people and/or their right to choose the hobbies and activities that they participate in. We need to stand strong together, and not be tearing one another down inside this pastime of ours.

Thank You to our Moderators and the respectful participants on this site! Your actions are greatly appreciated!

To you cowards (and you know who you are) that cannot be civil and respectful towards the other respectful participants of this forum, this is your invitation to either apologize and improve your behaviour, or to leave. You are neither welcome or tolerated here!