Reloading and Shooting the 30-30 Story & Video

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Our latest story & video was posted a few days ago on Ultimate Reloader: ... t-century/


Regards, Guy
Enjoyed the video, Guy. Interestingly enough, for all the lever guns I've owned, I never owned a 30-30. I've had several .307 Winchesters, but never a 30-30. Before I kick off this mortal coil, I should rectify that deficit.
I miss having a .30-30!
Great Job!!
You 2 gentleman keep knocking the vids out of the park!
Great article too Guy!!
Thank you for the contribution!

Nice work. The first rifle that dad bought me that was new was a marlin 30/30. Still have it, and reckon I always will.
Guy, liked the video, very well done. A buddy I grew up with in Wisconsin has his Dad’s old Glenfield .30-30. When that thing would come out of the gun cabinet it meant the Dad’s we’re headed north. They would always hunt opening weekend at home but had to use shotguns with slugs. When they went north they got to take the rifles. Pat took his Glenfield and my Dad took his Winchester, made in’57. What I’d give to go back in time and hunt with them again.
lefty315":1agdmc1i said:
Guy, liked the video, very well done. A buddy I grew up with in Wisconsin has his Dad’s old Glenfield .30-30. When that thing would come out of the gun cabinet it meant the Dad’s we’re headed north. They would always hunt opening weekend at home but had to use shotguns with slugs. When they went north they got to take the rifles. Pat took his Glenfield and my Dad took his Winchester, made in’57. What I’d give to go back in time and hunt with them again.

Good memories from times long past.

Glad you liked the video. I'm having fun doing these. I know I'm well past the middle of my life and like passing on lessons learned.

And I was honored to serve with Marines & cops like you.

Regards, Guy
That is it! Now I am going to have to go out and shoot mine!
Great job Guy1 Nice video