303 British loads (Updated bear hunting)


Ammo Smith
Mar 1, 2007
Just got the old Lee Enfield No 4 Mark 1 303 British up and running again. A few years ago I put it into and ATI stock and put on a scope mount by the same company so I could have at least 1 right hand gun to loan out instead of a right hand shooter having to shoot one of my lefties.

This rifle shoots a lot better than it has any right to considering it's pitted bore and all. Even better two loads shoot to the same place, a full power 180 gr and slightly reduced 150 gr load. The 180 gr Speer RN with 45 gr Big Game went into 1 1/2" at 110 yards from a stump as a rest and the 150 gr Speer Spitzer with 40 gr IMR 3031 went into right around 1". I haven't chronographed the 180 gr load yet but the 150 gr load clocks a bit over 2400 fps, I expect the 180 gr Big Game load to be around the same speed.

My high tech target at 110 yards, Tuck tape has many uses ;)

That right there is COOL! Very neat rifle and that sucker oozes old school killing!
It is a fun gun to shoot, and tons of history. This one was made in 1942 in England, some other Lee Enfield's were made in India, Australia, the U.S. and Canada, probably other places too. The old 303 is a classic that I bet has taken most big game species in the world. In Canada the old Dominion and later Imperial 215 gr factory loads took down a lot of moose over the years and anything else that got in their way. I want to try the Woodleigh 174 gr PP in it this year and maybe even the big 215 gr RN they make.

It's going out for bear this spring and I hope the young guys who will be using it can seal the deal. The 180 gr Speer has a great reputation so I'm expecting good things.
I should also mention that the stock took about one hour or so to do some minor fitting. They do mention that upfront, it's not hard at all for most people to do I'm sure.

There are quite a few great bullets out there for the 303 British but I wouldn't be upset at all if Nosler produced a 165-180 gr Ballistic Tip one day............
I have a 1942 Long Branch and an honest to goodness Jungle Carbine. They both shoot really good but can be hard on the shoulder. I have a reduced load with 4227 that's fun to shoot too.
Welcome aboard, hogginlong. Glad to see you posting here. Trust it will be a fruitful association all the way around. What charge are you using in your reduced load and what bullet are you slinging? The Jungle Carbine is just flat sexy! Have you noted the wandering zero effect?
hogginlong":2sq9626v said:
I have a 1942 Long Branch and an honest to goodness Jungle Carbine. They both shoot really good but can be hard on the shoulder. I have a reduced load with 4227 that's fun to shoot too.

Those brass but plates can be unforgiving for sure. If you don't mind sharing some more details of your reduced load it would be appreciated. Those Jungle carbines in particular are highly sought after, if it's not too much trouble maybe you would consider showing us some pictures of your rifles. Pictures are always appreciated around here :wink:

I don't have any 4227 but do have some Trail Boss, have some and have had success in other rounds with it in the past and would expect good results in the 303 British.
Sorry,looking at my notes it was SR4759. With a Hornady 150sst(312 dia)I'm using up to 24.0 gs of powder with WLR primer. Never chrono'd it but it is easy on the shoulder and fairly accurate to boot.
hogginlong":1520aeum said:

hogginlong":1520aeum said:
Brit pics

A couple of beauties, I really like both of them. I have noticed one of the retailers here advertising the 150 gr SST, need to give them a try. I also have some 150 gr Hornady Spire Points which are supposed to have an excellent reputation as a game bullet.
RaySendero":3ie9zc5n said:
gerry, Rifle looks great!

Tell me about that scope mount please.

Thanks Ray it has been fun to get the old girl up and running again. There is just something about those old guns and the old Lee Enfield's are a huge part of Canada's military and hunting culture. I take it you have Lee Enfield as well?

I put on this ATI scope mount and find it works great since you don't have to drill and tap it. It just uses existing screw holes. Mine is a No 4 Mk 1, they make a different base for the No 1 Mk 3

https://www.atigunstocks.com/enfield-sc ... 4-mk-1-2-5

The old wood stock was far too low to use with the scope, some put on an add on cheek rest but I went with the fiberglass stock ATI puts out. Again they make them for the 2 most common Lee Enfield's out there.

https://www.atigunstocks.com/enfield-mo ... 4-mk-1-2-5
gerry":1y0fohje said:
hogginlong":1y0fohje said:

hogginlong":1y0fohje said:
Brit pics

A couple of beauties, I really like both of them. I have noticed one of the retailers here advertising the 150 gr SST, need to give them a try. I also have some 150 gr Hornady Spire Points which are supposed to have an excellent reputation as a game bullet.

The spire points should do well on deer size critters.
I will join in, here is mine

And a target I shot at 200 yards with 150 grain bullets, I recently loaded some 150 grain Barnes TSX bullets for it, hope they shoot well.
Welcome aboard, Partsman. My old stomping grounds--PoCo. Lived down there for quite a few years before migrating north. Looks as if the old Brit is shooting well for you. That'll do for about anything you want to tackle within reasonable range. Good show! (y)
My co-worker has a 303 similar to the ones posted here. But he is having feeding issues with it. He's tried new magazines, but the problem persists. I haven't had a chance to look at it myself. Any common or simple fixes you guys know about with these old Enfields?
Gerry":1xleoi8g said:
I take it you have Lee Enfield as well?

Yes I have this old Bubbized No4 Mk1* that I keep in the truck during hunting season:


It was given to me FREE !
Someone had hacksawed the barrel and the front forearm square.
Did even try to re-crown barrel - Just left it sawed.
They also put on a front site crooked.
Wouldn't hit a letter size paper at 25 yds.

I had my GS cut the barrel back past the front sight hole screw and re-crown it.
Put on a new front sight and reformed/refinished the stock.
Ghost ring is now on at 25 yds. Lob sight set at 200m is on at 100 yds.
It has turned in some great 100 yds groups with inexpensive Rem 180 CLs.
I use that for a hunting load. I reload 174 FMCBT using IMR-4320.

Have played with the idea of trying a scope.