IdahoCTD - 6.5 CM, R26


May 10, 2009
Nathan, been doing some research on 6.5 CM and R26. Looks like your Dad and you have had some real success with said powder and 147 ELD. I ve got a 28" 8 twist factory Hawkeye that really shoots well but all I ve ever loaded is the 140 AMax with 41.5 of H4350. So I m going to get some 147 s, R26 and give her a whirl. Using Hornady brass so will start around 43-43.5 grs and work work up in .3 gr increases... so now my question; "have you or your Dad substituted the 150 MK" into the receipe" and if so could you share results??

Want to see if I can get Creed to 1 mile on steel and velocity will be on edge of subsonic....
Thx for any experiences/guidance!
I haven't tried any of the 150SMK's. Mine shoots 2875fps with 147's and 46grs of R-26 in Peterson brass. My dad's shoots 45.5grs at 2850fps in Peterson brass. I personally think the Peterson Creedmoor brass is on the weak side so I switched to Hornady and haven't really got it dialed yet but it should be about 48.5grs to get the same velocity. I told Peterson my load and they said it was too hot yet Lapua brass handles it no problem. I just get cratering pretty bad with the small rifle primers in the Lapua. The Hornady has quite a bit more capacity then the Lapua or Peterson brass. I just don't know if it's going to be quite as accurate as the Peterson brass. Both our guns shoot in the .1's or smaller with the Peterson brass and my dad has shot several groups in the .0's including a .096" group at 200yds.

I would bet the SMK velocity would be quite similar to the ELD-M as I'm sure the bearing surface is shorter on the SMK.
Thx for reply. My thoughts on MK are same as yours... only thing I wonder is if 8 twist will be enough. Got friends using them in 8 twists but 6.5-06 AI so 3000-3100 fps. Time will tell. If you play with R26 in Hornady brass pls share!
I’m running 147 ELDs with Alpha brass and CCIBR2’s and am getting 2775 from my 24” barrel with R26. Pretty darned accurate as well.

Good luck getting it all set up, it’s a wicked little round with those long heavy Bullets.
Shot my little Tikka at 250 today to check the zero with the 147 ELD and RL26 load.. Time after time, this load just plain shoots..

I haven't hardly touched this rifle since my lion/wolf hunt in March so I was quite happy when it was still on.. I did have an extra .1 mil I didn't see in the erector, but I just turned it back to zero knowing it'll fall right in.
Got 44.5 to 47 grs loaded in Hornady brass... just need to chrono. Might have to go another grain or grain and a half if velocity not there as using Hornady brass ... would really like to get 2850-2900 with accuracy. ( don't we all) I believe that velocity if accurate will get me to the 1850 yds we shoot; albeit, not with much margin on sub-sonic velocity transition!!
Chrono d as follows 147 Eldm, R26... no accuracy testing yet. Found pressure around 46 grs, 46.5 and 47 got noticeably stiffer on bolt opening; not hard mind you but starting to drag...

44.5. 2632
45.0. 2694
45.5. 2698
46.0. 2753
46.5. 2787
47.0. 2833

Thinking I ll try 46.0 and 46.5 on paper.

As an FYI my standard load of 41.5 of H4350 with 140 AMax chrono d 2755 as a comparison.
Side note.... I was at 2.88OAL; .060 off... what kind of jump have others had accuracy with. Wondering if lengthing my OAL another .020-.030 might relieve pressure a tad. That d still have me .030-.040 off lands which shouldn't increase pressure in my mind ...?
SJB358.... may I ask what length your rifle touches lands with 147? Mine is 2.935 so if I go right close to lands I ll have to single shot in my case.

Also, mind sharing your charge of R26? I found pressure at a lower weight (46.5) than I expected.
2.920 to the lands. I loaded 2.915. Haven’t changed that.

I’m running 46.6 grains in Alpha brass with CCIBR2 primers.


  • CAD694A5-FD89-465E-B9FC-E1C107C5D156.jpeg
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Neat combo [emoji1303]

Glad I’m not the only one that has those darn rounds that just don’t fit into the steady progression we want to get when getting velocities.

Do you reshoot those or leave them be?

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