Ba factor for Reloder 26?


Sep 17, 2013
I remember seeing a post a while back where someone did a QuickLOAD projection based "the burning rate we have been seeing for Reloder 26". I have no clue what the topic was that was being discussed so I don't even know where to begin to look it up. I don't remember that the person even said what the Ba factor was that he used.

Does someone know a Ba factor for Re 26 that is more accurate (for that lot of powder) than the default value in QuickLOAD? Thank you for checking.

I can’t believe this actually got asked because I JUST tuned a Ba factor in my 8lb keg of RL 26 at 0.3476. This lot made 2890 FPS with 180 Partitions from a 22” Model 70 Extreme Weather 30-06. 64.1 grains at 3.316” OAL or 2.696 base to ogive. H2O capacity of 67.98 grains (5 case average). I think that’s all the variable I have noted. Oh and the Forster funnel with like a 5” drop tube.

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Thank you. I am anxious to tune the Ba factor for my lot for a couple of different rifles and cartridges but won't be able to do it for a while due to other commitments. I am interested to see how it differs depending on the cartridge and rifle.

My lots of Re23 and Re16 are both considerably faster than the QuickLOAD default values.

No problem. All the loads I shot averaged about 50 FPS faster than Quickload for this lot.

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RL26 and quickload , has been a butt kicker for me . when I adjusted the "BA" I could get the velocity to align perfectly , but my pressures went through the roof . I knew I didn't have anywhere near the pressure quickload was showing so I just used reloaders commonsense , and kept moving forward . since this I've learned a little more about quickloads " weighting factor " . I've had 2 different lots of RL26 . I've used 0.371 "BA" in my 7 rem mag with 154 . my velocities were spot on , pressure very high . when I adjust the weighting factor only , it brings my velocity up and my pressure down . I haven't had much time to do testing to see how things work out .

what cartridge are you going to be using RL26 in ? maybe I can help .
I'm the guilty party on that post Dan.
I've seen some weird burn rates on 26.
It seems for the 06 based cartridges 345 to 355 is pretty good.
try what Dewey said , then see if this is any better , or worse .

put the BA back to it's default . set your weighting factor to 0.47 for a 30.06 . if it's a 25.06 give 0.42 a try .
Guys, thanks for the insight into Reloder 26. I will loading it in 300 WSM with 180 AB and 190 ABLR bullets. The QuickLOAD projections I have done so far look very promising. I am not looking for maximum velocity but I would like to get to 2900 fps or so. I like the concept of good velocity with the lower pressure.

I also plan to try it in 30-06 and 270 Win cartridges but not until after I work on the 300 WSM. Reloder 23 worked wonders in my 270 Win. and the Reloder 16 worked well in the 300 WSM with 165 BT.
try these weighting factor numbers with the default BA ;

300 wsm ................ 0.42
30.06 ...................... 0.47
270 win .................. 0.42
Again, thank you for sharing your experiences with these QuickLOAD variables in these cartridges. I am going to print out this thread and put copies in my reloading notebooks for each caliber.
