110gr in 270 Win


Nov 5, 2015
Anyone ever shoot deer with the Sierra 110gr Pro Hunter? I know they don't make it anymore but latched onto some after getting back a 270 the other day. With supplies few and far between thought I might as well as use them. Have developed a load using this bullet with 51.5 grs Big Game Win LR primer in a FC case giving 2947 fps out of a Rem 700 22 in barrel. Kept the speed down so as not to come apart too quick and getting half inch group. Will do a jug test to try it out. Remember reading that JOC said he used a 120 gr bullet years ago in his 270 for whitetails placing behind the shoulder in the lungs with good results. Hopefully 10 grs less won't make too much difference. Will see. Dan.
Don't know if it would meet your criteria for deer, but it would sure make for one high-stepping, flat-shooting bullet.

Cartridge          : .270 Win. (SAAMI)
Bullet             : .277, 110, Sierra SP 1810
Useable Case Capaci: 66.996 grain H2O = 4.350 cm³
Cartridge O.A.L. L6: 3.340 inch = 84.84 mm
Barrel Length      : 26.0 inch = 660.4 mm
Powder             : IMR 7828 SSC

Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge,
incremented in steps of 1.0% of nominal charge.
CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads !

Step    Fill. Charge   Vel.  Energy   Pmax   Pmuz  Prop.Burnt B_Time
 %       %    Grains   fps   ft.lbs    psi    psi      %        ms

-10.0   97    61.38   3152    2427   43985  11007     90.7    1.229
-09.0   98    62.06   3193    2490   45625  11160     91.5    1.208
-08.0   99    62.74   3233    2554   47334  11309     92.2    1.187
-07.0  100    63.43   3274    2619   49117  11452     92.8    1.167
-06.0  101    64.11   3315    2684   50975  11591     93.5    1.147
-05.0  102    64.79   3356    2751   52912  11725     94.1    1.127
-04.0  103    65.47   3397    2819   54935  11853     94.7    1.108
-03.0  104    66.15   3439    2888   57044  11975     95.3    1.089  ! Near Maximum !
-02.0  105    66.84   3480    2958   59250  12091     95.8    1.071  ! Near Maximum !
-01.0  106    67.52   3521    3029   61554  12201     96.3    1.052  ! Near Maximum !
+00.0  108    68.20   3563    3100   63964  12304     96.8    1.034  ! Near Maximum !
+01.0  109    68.88   3604    3173   66484  12400     97.3    1.017  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+02.0  110    69.56   3646    3246   69124  12490     97.7    0.999  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+03.0  111    70.25   3687    3321   71860  12571     98.1    0.982  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+04.0  112    70.93   3729    3396   74783  12646     98.4    0.965  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
+05.0  113    71.61   3770    3472   77821  12712     98.7    0.948  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!

Results caused by ± 10% powder lot-to-lot burning rate variation using nominal charge
Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value:
+Ba    108    68.20   3764    3460   77953  12183     99.9    0.951  !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE!
Data for burning rate decreased by 10% relative to nominal value:
-Ba    108    68.20   3297    2655   51826  11647     88.7    1.140
I might even have a few of those bullets in my stash. I bought them in the mid70's to shoot coyotes. I don't even remember the load I used and all my reloading notes from back then were lost in the move from NV to AZ. About all I remember is it was hard to find a decent load for my rifle and it certainly made a mess out of coyotes and jackrabbits. Never did chronograph that load as none were available back them but my guess if was somewhere around 3,000 plus.
Paul B.
Sorry, have not tried that bullet.

I have used the 90 gr HP varmint bullet from Sierra and IMR4350 in the 270 Wby in the 28" barrel of a rechambered B-78 at close to 4000 fps...and it made quick work on coyotes Opened them up stem to stern and their chest and stomach cavities couldn't have been cleaner than if you used a scalpel to open them and a hose to wash them out afterwards, with nothing but red mist on the ground.

100 gr Hdy SP's made quick work of mule deer and coyotes @ 3600 fps with IMR 4350 in that same rifle too.

The 110 gr TTSX was moving at 3800 fps and giving 1" groups @ 100 yards in the same rifle, 1 gr from max with Re-22.

The latter two bullets should also give good performance in your 270 Win.
Dr. Mike thanks for the info. I looked at running it faster and might yet but was thinking being a thin jacket bullet it might work better on deer at a slower pace.

Blkram that 110 TTSX is something I want to try sometime for sure. Running it fast and being a tough bullet would lend itself to a flat shooting long distant option. Dan.
I bet the 85gr 6.8 E-Tip would haul the mail from a 270. Would be strong medicine on deer and antelope.ACB22CA0-22F8-41AE-B95B-F9FAB8C454B8.png
117 grain Hammer Hunter is deadly for deer and antelope at 3300fps in my 270 Win.
My son flipped one over backwards with that load.
Put one in the jugs at 50yds. Made it into the 3rd jug. Core and jacket separated but there was enough left to satisfy me that this bullet was up to taking deer. Bad thing is I misplaced it at the range and didn't get a chance to weight it. Oh well. Dan.
wvbuckbuster":1ydqnber said:
Put one in the jugs at 50yds. Made it into the 3rd jug. Core and jacket separated but there was enough left to satisfy me that this bullet was up to taking deer. Bad thing is I misplaced it at the range and didn't get a chance to weight it. Oh well. Dan.
Went to the range yesterday and found this bullet where I dropped it. Brought home and it weighted 77.4 grs. Not bad I don't think. Another one for the deer hunting bucket list. Dan.
I think it’ll zap deer Dan. That’s my kinda deer load. 3 jugs is at least a deer and a half. I’d bet that’ll pull the plug quickly.
A friend of mine used to load that bullet in his .270 Winchester back when we were kids.

He used to neck shoot the deer with it & it dropped them in their tracks.

Dang near took the head off a few.

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