Grizzly Hunt Banned in BC


Nov 8, 2006
Well, our last provincial election saw the socialists gain the government. One of the first actions appears to be banning the grizzly hunt. Here's the news item which greeted me this morning.

I hope a few of the NDP MLAs make a trip to the "Great Bear Rain Forest" to spend some time in the presence of grizzlies. Doubt that it will change their mind as they will have a large coterie accompanying them and the crowd will keep the bears at a distance. This is not unexpected; but it is disappointing.
Dr Mike, I have to be real careful what I say here and I know you understand. Let me just say I was sorry to find out about this. I "think" Gil will still be able to hunt, but not sure. Vancouver has so many people who all vote one way, that it overshadows the feelings and votes from the east and north of Vancouver.

However, what they fail to understand is the far reaching financial consequences this action has on many industries, not just the hunting industry. One of our arguments Dr Mike is that unless everyone who wants us to quit hunting for our dinner is a vegetarian then we have no interest in discussing it any further, as all beef, pork, lamb, fowl and fish must be put down before they are served for dinner. We will even refer to the bible which states calves, goats, fish, and bread was normal table fare.

We have had a fair amount of success in Nunavut but the battle is ongoing
I saw that yesterday, sad news indeed. Everything the left touches turns to absolute garbage including hunting.

The MLA for the northwest part of the province who are in favour of grizzly hunting admits it's solely to appease people and not based on science.

"The purpose of the ban isn't because the number of killings is unsustainable for the grizzly population, but largely in response to public opinion, Donaldson said."

The left continues their policy to divide the Native people from the rest of us and treats the citizens of B.C. who pay the bills like second class citizens. Federally they are also trying to divide us from each other through unfair salmon fishing regulations based solely on race. From the article:

"First Nations and other groups will be consulted about ending the trophy hunt before the bans takes effect to determine what regulations are needed to enforce the rule and how to mitigate any economic impacts."

Ideally I would love to see an equal partnership between us all here but the forces behind the government want to divide us. I wish we could find a way to resolve these things without interference from them.

I signed into the HuntingBC website last night for the first time in years and Andrew Weaver the Green Party leader came on there to pretend he is for the resident hunters and he was roasted for doing so. For those who don't know he is one of 3 Green party members who helped defeat the previous government and is propping up the minority NDP right now to give them the balance of power.

From the article he said:

"B.C. Green party Leader Andrew Weaver said while the ban is encouraging, it doesn't fully end the hunt which environmental groups had wanted
Weaver said in a statement that the new ban is also viewed as wasteful by the resident hunting community because the hair, head and hide of the grizzlies can no longer be used.
"I'm not sure how this will appease the concerns of anyone. It appears to me that the NDP was trying to play to environmental voters in the election campaign without thinking through their policies," Weaver said.
He said the government should take a more science-based approach to species management and he is calling for the introduction of endangered species legislation, which the province currently lacks."

Not quite what was said on the HuntingBC website by him in the past let's just say...........
And to 100% clear I am not against Native hunters, just the divisive way the higher ups have tried to divide us along racial lines for years.

To Gil, Cheyenne and others I am not against you or will ever be just to be clear.
DrMike, I read the report last night after hearing at the 11:00pm news. :evil:. The general public just don't get it and it doesn't seem they ever will :roll:.
The tension here in northern Saskatchewan is starting to heat up again because it is getting close to our Moose season and they are already mentioning camps being set up with Semi trailers with reefers attached.
Again someone has got to get control of this because they are taking Bulls, Cows and Calves indiscriminately and this is prior to any regular seasons, many of the hunters are coming from Manitoba as they have shut their entire Moose seasons down and it has been for a few years now.

Gerry, no apology necessary sir.

I believe you are correct in fact. Divide and conquer is part of their strategy. I also believe they have a very long term plan. Next they will say only First Nation individuals who are 100% First Nation, not just with some First Nation heritage in their past can hunt for substance. Then they will eventually try to take that away by offering something like food stamps to these First Nation individuals to offset their need to substance hunt. The idea is to take your rights away one at a time and hope no one will notice until it is to late. And by that time we will be so far in the minority that we will be viewed as barbaric and no one will listen to us.
Sorry to hear this. Left continues to spread their agenda not only in the States but in Canada as well. Sad.
It was anticipated, especially when the NDP and the Greens united to form the government. It is an age-old story of Vancouver/Victoria controlling the province. The hunt was being shoved out for residents because the previous Liberal government appeared to be in the pocket for the BC guide/outfitters. Don't know how much money the province can make selling guided tours to look at the Great Bear Rain Forest. I'm thinking that Northeastern BC should create the Great Conservative Desert, blocking all people from south of the Cariboo coming into this area for any reason. You know, just to maintain what now exists. All our gas and oil can be sold to the States and the revenue used to build up the local economy.
It is sad that a way of life is being destroyed :evil:. Now polices decisions are made so the government looks to be politically correct, instead of using information given to them by wildlife experts.
The anti hunting groups are being more and more powerful :(.

The anti-hunters are assuredly more vocal. Hunters and shooters are mostly decent folk. They have jobs, so they can't be constantly at a rally against something. The anti-hunters are akin to neo-fascist and antifa protesters.
Dan, The discussions regarding several issues are ongoing in Nunavut. It is amazing what those in Quebec dont know and are unwilling to listen to REAL facts, as their political career is more important to them than the truth and doing what is best for those who live in Nunavut

Dr Mike, They have several groups that are actually paid protesters for the left. That is all they do is travel from one place to another, specifically to protest. Also, there are those who are unemployed and living off of those of us who are supporting them, who also spend their time at rallies and protests instead of holding down a job.

I have insisted on taking people to the area they are talking about and having the meeting in the area where the animals live and one "expert" wanted to know what type of hotel we would be staying in---think about that statement, especially those of you from the North, Dr Mike, Gil, Hodgeman, Bear78, Gerry. We will be on the ice in Nunavut-----hotel ?
Dr Mike, Gerry, Gil

Well that didn't take long.

Dr mike, as I mentioned to you I was headed to Nunavut, but now, maybe not. The B.C. Grizzly hunting ban has people riled up on all sides up here and everyone is demanding that we get a better picture of our Grizzly population, --- outfitters, resident hunters, Inuits, NDP, . We play under a little different set of rules than B.C. does, but it is still a problem that is not going to go away. Most outfitters up here sell sheep and moose hunts more than grizzly but I am sure they do not want to lose that option and revenue. It will not be as easy for them to change the rules up this way, because we do not have the same problem B.C. has where whatever the people in Vancouver think is right the entire Province has to live with, and the people that live in Vancouver dont have a clue about life outside the city. sorry. I will get off my soap box.
No jurisdiction is safe from SJW. More and more it is apparent that we are witnessing a war of ideas, a war that has the capacity of turning violent if the left fails to get its way. It is this threat of violence that compels moderates to become complicit even when they have qualms concerning the issue du jour. Wonder how Lisa Murkowski will vote when the issue comes to Alaska?
It is such a sad state of affairs, I can see a time where my grandsons will not be able to hunt for their food and pleasure :twisted: and by pleasure I mean getting out into nature and enjoying what God meant for us to have dominion over.
