She got it done


May 16, 2016
Last month I mentioned in a post about NYDan mentoring a new hunter, that I was also taking a rookie hunter out for her first deer hunt. Well, yesterday was the day, and happy to say that she connected on a nice button buck. We didn't get a shot at a mature buck, but she'll have some good meat in the freezer, as well as a few photos and memories to enjoy. I encourage you all to take a shot at giving a new/young hunter a chance to experience what we all enjoy.

That's awesome. The picture says it all. Congratulations
to the young lady on her first buck!

Oh, I forgot to add: She insisted on doing the field dressing, as well. And was not squeamish about getting her hands bloody. She got the most out of her day afield!
bdbrown66":3o83911s said:
Oh, I forgot to add: She insisted on doing the field dressing, as well. And was not squeamish about getting her hands bloody. She got the most out of her day afield!

my kinda gal

please tell her congratulations and congratulations to you as well.
Very cool. I can get one daughter to fillet fish, but there's no way she field dressing anything!!! Good for that young lady!!!
Fantastic job by her.
I was told at a young age that if you kill it you have to gut and skin it so it's great that she accepts that she needs to know how to do it.
Excellent! She did, indeed, git 'er done. Fine dining is in store for her. Don't allow her to overcook those chops.
Yah, now there's some great success! From the looks and sound of it she'll be hooked into going again thanks to your efforts!
Congratulations, that smile says it all. Love seeing threads like this...........
Congratulations to the both of you. For you for mentoring her and for her for taking a great deer. That smile of hers is priceless. You must be so proud of her.

Well, my new hunting protege decided she wanted to give it another go this year, so she joined me in the field last weekend. Missed a shot at a small buck Saturday morning, but punched her tag twice Sunday morning with a 5pt and a young doe. Of course, she field dressed both of them herself, with my oversight. She's learning well, very proud of her.
