Best Bow Buck Yet


Sep 17, 2013
Yesterday I shot my best bow buck yet with the crossbow from the new steel tower stand.

Bow Buck 2018-Front.JPG

Bow Buck 2048-Quartering.JPG

Just before sunset I made a perfect broadside shot just behind the shoulder. I saw the arrow strike and knew I had a double lung hit.

After helping my neighbor recover his buck last Monday, I decided to wait a full hour to look for the buck even though I was sure it wouldn’t go far.

It was full dark when I went to look for it and all I had with me was a pen light. I found the trail easy enough and found blood right away. After about 75 yards the blood trail was heavy. Then it ended right were the trail crossed a shooting lane. I walked out the trail to the end and walked out the shooting lane to the end but couldn’t see the deer. So, I came back home with hopes of looking this morning.

Caleb came up on the hill just after I got there, I showed him where I had shot the buck and the deer track, and blood, and the end of the trail. He walked back a few steps and said, “Here it is”. The buck had back tracked 10 or 20 feet and jumped, climbed, crawled or teleported into the thickest tangle of brush and briars you have ever seen. Do you see the dead buck?


How about now? My camera hand is inserted halfway into the brush.

See Him Now.JPG

I must have walked right by it 6 or 8 times.

This photo shows that the buck couldn’t even fall down. He was suspended in mid fall by the brush. I had dragged out a few big pieces of brush to get to where I could take this photo.

Could Not Fall Over.JPG

His rack measured 16” on the inside spread. He was a 9 point but one tine is broken completely off making him an 8 point.

Many thanks to Caleb for his seeing the buck.

Oh, yesterday afternoon was the first time I used the new steel tower stand. Works great!

Nice Buck and pictures. Thanks for sharing Dan.
I had a doe crawl into a multiple rose thicket and she was also impossible to see. If not for the scuff marks from her crawling I would never have found her.
I have a thermal camera that REALLY helps if I don't have the dog with me.
This season I shot a roe and it ran some.
Walked in the general direction and saw something under a fallen tree. With dusk fast approaching, I would have passed it without the technical help. Also a blessing to see game approaching in the bushes. Gives you some extra time to prepare.

Congrats on that buck!

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Excellent, Dan! Congratulations. A very worthy animal for your crossbow!
Well done, would have been easy to loose that deer. Good looking buck make a great hanger for the crossbow I would imagine.

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Very good! And good job on the recovery. Sometimes they make things difficult by not following protocol. I could see an ear and 1 antler on the first picture by making it full size, but he sure was hidden in there!
Nicely done. Congratulations on a nice buck buddy.

Guy Miner":28wvrpdm said:
How far was the shot?

About 20 yards. He was trailing a doe and came in on the wrong side to within 10 yards. He spooked when I tried to reposition myself to shoot to the left (I shoot lefty and was set to shoot straight ahead or to the right). He made a couple of jumps and stopped to look up toward me. By then I was repositioned...
Nice one, congratulations! And yes, they do tend expire in some pretty bad places. I've had them nose dive into briers and fallen trees. Once I shot a little 6 point and he ran about 40 yards and he stopped and started doing the "death wobble" and I was thinking he was about to go down. And like he thought he'd give me some payback, he stumbled sideways about 5 yards and fell into a creek. The water was only about 8" deep but the banks were about 4' down to the water.