Looking forward to Saturday


May 26, 2018
My 'driven hunt' season starts on Saturday. I will pick up a friend I know from a German forum on Friday, go another 300 miles from there and spend the night near the hunting area. The invitation I got through the same forum.

Mainly wild boar, some roe and whatever they have, maybe fox.

Fired a few shots in a shooting cinema last weekend and on the 'moving boar' (a moving paper-target) for final preparation.
I hope the dogs move some game my way!
Week after that with my former boss. They have plenty of fallow deer and boar.

First weekend in January I take my own dog and be one of the drivers, they have red stag in that area, but drivers are only allowed to shoot to help the dogs or finish wounded game. I will be carrying a long knife in case shooting is no option.

Will keep you posted how it worked out....


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The first hunt was not successful, but today was better!
I saw the first 8 boar just after climbing the stand, but too far away. Lots of roe on the move, but again too far.

After one hour, two roe came racing directly my way with two more 100 y behind - only they weren't roe, but fallow deer as I saw on second glance.
They stopped 80 y away, one broadside, the other one directly behind, so no shot. Then one moved and the bulltet was gone.
The next round was in the chamber before I realised I did it. They ran to my right and the one I shot became wobbly and fell over. The other one stopped at 100 y, looking back. Shot two fell and it went down (a little too high....).
I saw more, but no other shot presented itself.

First one was hit slightly quartering away just in front of the diaphragm, exit behind the front leg.

Tikka T3 with a millet dms, 30-06 with all-brass 'LOS Hunter' bullets.

All in all, we got 31fallow, 17 boar, 37 roe and a fox

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Damn, that is a lot game. Congratulations.

The other day April mentioned fallow deer being an easy hunt and now you harvest several of them. Wish I was there
Thanks! Well, they are quite easy to hunt. Day-active in bigger herds most of the time.
On driven hunts they might be quite fast and if the herd is big, you might not get a clear shot.

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Congratulations on the deer. Good shooting. That sounds like a lot of game to be taken on one day. How big of an area were these animals taken in?
At least 2000 hectar, whatever that is in acres. Somewhere between 70 and 100 hunters.

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noslerpartition":emo169ap said:
At least 2000 hectar, whatever that is in acres. Somewhere between 70 and 100 hunters.

At 2.47 acres per hectar that is at least 4,940 acres or at leat 7.7 square miles. What fun it would be to do Quality Deer Management on a parcel that large. I would need bigger machinery....
It is not all in one hand, but there is a community of the owners /leasers, deciding how many and from which age-class are free for the year.
I've always enjoyed watching the driven hunts in Europe! Excellent job on your hunt.

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Thanks everyone!
On Saturday the neighbours of our lease have their driven hunt.
My 'boss' and I will sit at promising places at the border and maybe get some that cross over to us - hold your thumbs!
Roe, boar and maybe red stag may come...

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