Bighorn Ewe?

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
For years I've been applying for both a bighorn ram tag, and a ewe tag. I figured that with the ewe, I'd at least be sheep hunting.

Not that anyone has much chance of drawing either tag here in Washington, what are your thoughts on hunting a bighorn ewe?

Guy Miner":vv0723q9 said:
For years I've been applying for both a bighorn ram tag, and a ewe tag. I figured that with the ewe, I'd at least be sheep hunting.

Not that anyone has much chance of drawing either tag here in Washington, what are your thoughts on hunting a bighorn ewe?

I did It in Montana when I lived there after realizing a ram was never happening. Went solo, after hunting in Alaska, Montana most of my life, it ended up being one of my favorite, roughest hunts. I honestly didn’t think me or the sheep were making it back to the truck several miles away.

If they offer them, there’s a reason, likely manage the population to keep from wandering into domestic sheep locations. She is proudly on my wall, I have fond memories every time I walk by.



If the wind doesn’t blow, take to the oars.
Still a good hunt, makes a great adventure, will create another awesome memory, and best of all, if successful, will put very tasty fare on the table!
I apply every year for a ewe California bighorn tag in a great area down south. The ram tags there are very high odds so it's very unlikely that I'll ever be drawn. Even the ewe tag is pretty much once in a lifetime draw. I put in my wife as well just in case she draws a tag. Would love to taste sheep again since it is such good meat! If I ever get the ewe tag maybe after that I'll try for a ram tag. It does help that there is a Stone ram on the wall already.

Coop22250, that is a beautiful mount, if either my wife or I manages to get one there is a space on the wall next to the Stone ram. Hope my wife gets one much more to be honest, would be cool.
The meat is top notch, I have been buying points for Montana the last few years, hoping to go try for another one here before long. Maybe next year!
Blkram":1aecozp1 said:
Still a good hunt, makes a great adventure, will create another awesome memory, and best of all, if successful, will put very tasty fare on the table!
Exactly and I put in for a ram or ewe tag every year and have so for 42 years in a row now. Never drawn but next year is my year!
When my cousin and I, as young hunters would lament that no one shot a "big buck", (no body did in those days...deer were not common, in our area back in the early 80's) my uncle would remark, "ya cant eat the horns boys....!" If you are hunting, I think you are good. If I had the money and opportunity I'd take a doe pronghorn tag any day. CL
Like coop says, theres a reason the tags are available, put in for em. I'm one of the fortunate few to have been blessed with a ram tag in my lifetime, it was an amazing experience but it did alter my outlook on big game hunting to some extent and certainly my attitude about "trophies". It was a remarkable tag to draw and I experienced a fair amount of anxiety and stress leading up to the hunt, mostly self imposed as I was not emotionally prepared to come back empty handed or with what I would have then considered a sub par specimen on a once in a lifetime opportunity. Had an incredible time and killed a stud of an old ram, it was an awesome hunt, that particular sheep was very important to me (think I posted the story back in 2011) and I have no regrets about it. I have to think though that on some level, after all the worry about inches and mass and age that it mellowed me a little in terms of a critters head gear being much of a determining factor in the quality of my hunts. My next hunt that fall was a solo musket cow elk hunt, I was successful and it felt like an honest vacation not being concerned with horns or antlers. Do I enjoy seeing grip and grins of guys with big ole sheep? Hell yeah, all day and I hope everyone gets a chance to do it, but I feel like Ive been to the top and don't think I would take another ram off that mountain, would love to see my kids or friends do it ( I'm not totally deluded guys, if I ever draw my desert sheep tag here in NM I'm going batsh**t again). I have to hunt, so I'd love to get back up there after a ewe just to enjoy the sheep and the places they live. Sheep tags are a rare gift and for the most part they all live in the same beautiful place, ram or ewe theyre all tasty, if you can figure out a way to go you should.