Washington Special Draw...

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
"Not Selected" again, for everything! LOL! :mrgreen:

Ah well, more points for next year's draw.

Guess I'll have to make-do with my over-the-counter bear, deer and elk tags, along with bird hunting, and fly fishing. Poor me.. :wink:

Well at least your consistent, lol. The bird hunting and fly fishing would be real enjoyable for sure. Maybe you can put one of those over the counter tags on something. Dan.
Second deer for the boy and I, but the misses scored a sheep tag, ewe but hey it still a sheep tag.
str8meat":1oz5zlw7 said:
Second deer for the boy and I, but the misses scored a sheep tag, ewe but hey it still a sheep tag.

I like those Second Deer tags! And heck, I'd hunt a bighorn ewe! :)
