

Dec 13, 2013
The container is on the barge along with two new boats. Fishing forecasts for the commercial fishermen is for an average year. That typically translates to good to great sport fishing. ADFG tends to be more cautious in making certain they reach escapement on average years then on banner years.
Heading up a week early to further assess and repair burglary damages to the lodge. Our first experience but a very common problem for lodges.
One of our guides has his own big game operation. He has been bear hunting down the peninsula, starting his trips from the lodge, says the damage is nuisance grade.
His hunts have gone well, no pics yet, but I'll be there for his last hunter. Looking forward to that.
Going to be a very busy year as the season is fully booked. No scheduled days off.
I'll leave Alaska after guiding all day September 20. Arrive Oregon on the 21 and if the schedule doesn't change I'll be guiding pheasant hunters on the 22.
Hope I at least get a chance to catch a fish myself!

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I hope that you have a great season :wink:. I always enjoy your posts and photos it is like we are up there with you.
Have fun & be safe (y).

Have a great season. That is a dream job for many people. Time for me to go to the coast and catch a few salmon this summer.
Take care my friend, and enjoy the summer weather, maybe we can tie in this fall again, over in Pendleton.
We will make it happen Bill. Assuming we draw this year we will be hunting in the Wenaha. Our camp since 95 has been on the road that divides wallawalla from Wenaha. We will use the same camp, just walk east into the wilderness area instead of west.
I'll give you a call when I get back, the outfit I guide for is only five miles south of the freeway, drop by on your way to camp and I'll show you around.

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Good luck with your fishing season, hope you guys do well. I always enjoy seeing your posts from when you are out there, especially showing the fish that have been caught.
I appreciate the feedback, I'll try to remember to keep the phone handy.

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Up date. The burglary was not to bad, I've been here since Monday. Took a couple of days to get things cleaned up.
I got When Aired on Sunday. They cancelled my 1800 flight out of Anchorage at 1755. Left me with two dogs and crates, three ice chests and my gun box at the airport. I didn't get to King Salmon until Monday afternoon. Missed getting to fly to bear camp with Phil. He was hunting the upper reaches of the Mulchatna river. They passed on several after seeing a giant. Never could connect on him. The hunter was thrilled, stayed here one night telling stories about the hunt.
Weather sucks, high so far has been 43. We've had snow and it's windy. The willows are just sprouting, the grass is only three inches tall. Hope summer gets here soon.

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Salmonchaser that does sound like Alaska weather at this time of year. I know that northern Saskatchewan has been getting alot of moisture and it has been cold so far this spring.
Three and half hours north of here they still have last fall crops in and 1/2" of water in the fields so they can't get going for awhile yet :(.
I sure hope that the weather up there turns around quick so that you can get on with your job (y).
Looking forward to your stories and photos :wink:.

Spring has sprung, Guys good fortune became good weather for us.
First bears in camp today. We believe they are a trio of Cubs that have grown up around here. Appears they are kick outs, their first year solo. No photos, kinda caught us flat footed.
I did manage only to get a photo of a track.
Camp is ready, all the boats started right up, life is good.
The 454 will now stay in my boat, the 45-70 has dog walking duty.IMG_1084.JPG

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Lol, my spring memorys of opening up camp; Always included laying on your back in the mud, underneath the cabins soldering pipes that had somehow burst from not getting all the water out of them the fall before!
We started swapping the pipes out to Pex a number of years ago, only one split fitting this year. But I too bear the scars on my belly from soldering under the cabins. Don't miss it at all.

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It's opening day on our river. Our guests arrived with about half their bags last night, but their fly rods made it. The guys are all from Alaska, save one, he comes from Florida. Their quest is simple; Spey rods, smolt patterns; fast water and 30 inch rainbows.
The bear overwatch is active.IMG_1091.JPG

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Keep the girls busy! That's the secret to a successful fishing tour. Never used a spey rod, but it has always sounded fascinating.
First two days no Rainbow landed over thirty inches. Measured a couple around 28. Yours truly got to throw for a few minutes this afternoon. IMG_1097.JPG

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They really are. The quality of the rainbows on the Naknek are second to none. Even the group we have in, five of the very best anglers I've ever seen, not everyone catches a 30 incher, but they are there.

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