Model 70 Deluxe Wood

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Once in a while the stars just line up and things turn out like they should.
Being an old Model 70 guy from way back. I wanted to buy a Jack O Conner
Tribute 5 years ago when they came out. It finally arrived after a 6 month delay,
And I was very surprised the wood was nothing like the advertised ones , I would
Have called it lame, or barely 1X in figure. I was very disappointed and we sold it and
moved on :(
Anyway I decided to try again one more time with one of the 150 years Anniversary model;
and this time, the stars must have been Aligned perfectly, as it's not very often I open a gun box and am flabbergasted!
The wood in this one, is to die for. Lots of feathercrotch, and some marbled streaks, super contrast,
I couldn't be more pleased, lots of engraving and polished to the nines!
Guess old Santa smiled down on us today! Gotta get it out and ding it up a little,
That way it will be devalue it enough so I won't ever sell it :lol:
Here is what it looks like.topgun.jpg20171212_081758.jpgIMG_1674.JPGIMG_1675.JPG
The Checkering pattern is swiped from Al Biesen and was off O'Conners custom model 70
That Al built for him. Kinda cool.


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Holy mackerel Kingfish. It looks like a stock one might see on a rifle from an old English Gun manufacturer


Congratulations Earle
Thanks sooooo much April, I am pretty excited about it and nowadays it takes a lot to get me
excited!! Your kind words are very much appreciated!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Thanks Scotty, I think so tooo! When you come up I will get you to show me
How to shoot the darn thing :lol:
These are actually made by Browning Viana, in Portugal.
Nicely done, action is hand laped, its as smooth as silk, bolt and ext both jeweled, In tight overlaped pattern,the Scroll engraving, goes down onto the barrel about 6", they really Didn't 'spare the horses' on this one!IMG_1684.JPG
35 Whelen":1sn26wrr said:
Thanks Scotty, I think so tooo! When you come up I will get you to show me
How to shoot the darn thing :lol:

That thing is probably going to be self guided but JOC! Have you ever seen a 270 that hast shot pretty well :mrgreen:
Nice, nice, nice. After coming up with my current model 70 I'm a fan and that one is as nice as they get.
"holy mackerel kingfish" I think that saying is dating you a bit April (-:

Earle--Beautiful--just Beautiful!!!!
Very nice rifle! That's the best stick of lumber I've seen on one in a while!
That is beauuuutiful! Great find. The quality of the recent special additions have been very special. My JOC has the fine touches like the lapped bolt and extractor that are jeweled and the bolt release that is checkered. The action is "really glass bedded" and free floated. Of course the JOC just has a little engraving on the floor plate, not the intricate art work on the barrel and receiver. When I bought my JOC I looked at photos of six different rifles before I picked the one I purchased. I only dealt with sellers that were willing to post picks of the specific rifle on GunsAmerica or Gunbroker. I called the seller of the one that had the nicest stock and asked about the rifle. It turned out they had already sold the rifle depicted on their sale but had one more in stock. They sent me several photos of the one they still had and it was actually better than the one depicted. I bought it immediately. And the rifle shoots pretty darn good. Aren't all model 70s being assembled in Portugal today.

I don't think Jack would be at all surprised that the .270 win is still going strong today and I'm sure he'd be pleased with the modern model 70.
That is a beautiful (what other adjective would help?) rifle. Nice to see that in a Winchester. Glad you got something you REALLY wanted. Sweet! CL

What a terrific rifle. I am very happy for you - it really is an amazing rifle. Beautiful.

I'd hunt with it in a heartbeat! :grin:

Holy smokes! Thanks to "everyone" of you, for all those great compliments, its awfully nice; to recieve so many lovely comments! They are of course, a direct reflection of the super nice folks; that are on this grand forum. There is certainly
going to be some serious "pride of ownership"; with this new rifle!
Now to see how those Rocky Mt Bull Elk; can stand up to this rifle, and those 150 gr ABLR bullets ?? If they work as well on the Elk as they do Moose, they should do the
trick? Looking forward to finding out! Now to get it scoped
up, and see how it shoots, will post more later!
Bruce, thanks for posting that history with your JOC rifle, its also one very handsome M 70 ! (Not sure on the Portugal thing??? First Model 70 I have purchased since 1990!)
Guy, at our age its time to go for it, when I look at how many folks I went to school with, that are not around anymore, or have major medical issues, I so realize, that worrying about scratching up a gun, and devaluing it, should be, about the about last thing on my mind. She is going to get hunted ! Plus I already promised April, I wouldnt leave it home....... :wink:
Heck when I sent a few photos of this new rifle, to a guide friend in Alaska, He said "better bring it up, and lets take it sheep hunting", so it may be headed North this August!IMAGE00028.jpg
Can you identify the rifle I am holding?