Tikka wood stock models?


Aug 19, 2012
Does the wood stocked Tikkas benefit from glass bedding or are they made with good bedding to start out?
Does Tikka make a magazine that is "flush" with the bottom of the receiver?
preacher":b1zwqh7y said:
Does Tikka make a magazine that is "flush" with the bottom of the receiver?

They aren't exactly perfectly flush, but have a rounded bottom style mag that portrudes about an 1/8" below.. Not a horrible set up really though. Again, Tikka's are sleepers. Be careful cause after you get past their looks, their shooting will make you take notice.
I see where there is a Tikka Hunter T3X, stainless, fluted in 30-06 for $760 total. Its claimed this rifle retails for $1100 (I'm sure that's MSRP) but it is new, just some gunsafe marks. It is not "fancy" but it has character to it. I could see it as a nasty weather rifle too, wood warm enough to hold on to , SS helps of course. I am kinda "spooked" by friends feeding issues/polymer magazine in his T3 Lite 338 Federal. Does Tikka offer metal replacements for this and what does that cost/entail? thanks.

Just as far as accuracy goes only...how does the Tikka compare to the Mod 70 Super Grade?
If you can't handle the plastic mag and trigger guard best way is to just step up to the " Silverado Pckg"
That would be all the stuff you want and then some! A SAKO model 85 Finnlight. Then you can cock your leg right up there with the " tall dogs" lol.
Plan on loosening up about $1600 with mounts, so all scoped up quality optics and an extra clip (SS) and Opti
lok rings it going to lean hard at 25 hundred.....
The Tikka does it all for half price but it is " plasticly" lol
Accuracy wise I would place my bets on the gun from Finland!
Thanks Pard! I love the older Sakos, waiting on my "new to me" Forester/243 to get tweaked by the gunsmith. I had a "wonderful" older AV/'06 all set up, but it got sold to pay the Vig on the mafias( Obammacare Taxes) extortion!
I have a young friend that was able to pick up a left hand Tikka Hunter in a 260 and I have been trying to talk him into re-homing it to me :wink: to date I have been unsuccessful in doing so.
Most people that I know that have the Tikka rifles advised that it is of very good quality and shoot sub moa.

I have a T3 lite with plastic stock in 308 and T3 walnut hunter in 30-06. Both guns consistently shoot 1/2-3/4" groups easily at 100 yards. The 30-06 wood stock has a generously free floated barrel channel. I would never worry about stock warpage or stock interference in my shooting with the Tikka like I did with my old Model 70 featherweight stock. Both Tikkas are consistently more accurate than my push feed M70, even since replacing M70 stock with a Bell and Carlson. Although, the B&C stock did allow the M70 to get back to consistently shooting sub MOA groups.

I haven't bedded either gun, as I just didn't see the need. I imagine it might improve things a bit, but they are already more than accurate for my needs. Both mine have the aluminum recoil lug. On the 30-06 you can see where that is getting marked up and could possibly deform over time. A simple steel or titanium replacement for $15-30 fixes that. The only modifications I have made to the 06 is the addition of a Limbsaver recoil pad and adjusting the trigger to my liking. The Tikka triggers are top notch, by the way.

I have not experienced feeding issues. You can get replacement mags for them, but be prepared for a little sticker shock because they are not cheap. It's a 3 shell single stack mag, so I think the only way you could have problems is if the shells aren't protruding high enough into the feed area for the bolt to strip them out of the mag. I think there may be 5 or 10 shot mags, but they would protrude far out of the stock.

I don't see how you can go wrong with a Tikka, but I know I'm biased. I also think the new models have addressed some of the issues/criticisms in the T3 generation, but I haven't closely looked one over. Good luck with it. Bret
The stock on the Tikka T3 is without a doubt the " slipperyest" thing I ever handled, I modified all of mine to include adding epoxy over the grip areas that is lifted repeatedly as it drys to create an aggressive texture , there wasn't anything on the bottom of the forearm or front of the pistol grip so I took a transfer off a Sako 85
Pattern and applied it to the T3 stocks, that makes them 100% better for hanging onto them while shooting, as far as just carrying them walking on a rainy day they are still hard to hang onto! The new T3x stock is somewhat of an improvement, however honestly the wood stocked guns look soooo much nicer, and all this weirdness is gone, the high comb of the Forest model is classy looking and lines my eye WAY faster with the ocular lens of a scope WAY better than the plastic stocks comb imho. For the 4/5 oz extra in weight I know
Which one I would buy!IMG_2397.JPG