Model '94 No More...


Nov 25, 2013
I came across a recent article in the Sports Afield magazine on lever action rifles that stated that Winchester had announced the discontinuation of the Model 94!

Guess I am glad that I have my collection of 94 Big Bores as originally introduced in the 307, 356 and 375 Winchesters. Going to have to find a XTR or newer Sporter in 30-30 and perhaps a 25-35, before prices go through the roof.(not that they haven't been pretty pricey the past few years!)

I shot my second big game animal, a whitetail doe, when I was 17, and my third, my first black bear, with my Dad's '94 in 30-30, when I was 20.

Who would have thought they would discontinue this classic?!?
(I guess they hadn't thought of a 24" barrelled rimmed version of the 6.5 Creedmoor! LOL)
Dang that’s a sad day. I have the model 9422 from 1976 that dad bought a week before I was born new in the box never fired. For 30 years I have taken it out and oiled it up, put it back away.

I have a soft spot for the 94’s

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If I'm not mistaken...this is the second time they've discontinued the 94!
They stopped production of both the M70 and the M94 when FN first bought the company till they could retool at the SC plant. I believe that is when the safety feature was designed for the M94.
Not having a mechanical safety was a big liability for both Marlin and Winchester for the lever guns.
Funny how you never heard of any accidental discharges from them when they didn't have a safety on them.
Surprised that single action pistols don't have a safety.
Well, they became a premium-priced rifle the past few years.

Very nicely finished, but also rather expensive. I looked at a few, sighed, put 'em back on the rack. I do like a nice Model 94 though. Had one years ago. Oddly it was marked "NYST." On the tang as I recall? Long time ago now. Sold that thing... 35 years ago maybe? Good little rifle.

Relative of mine used to take elk with his, a 30-30. He lived in a single-wide in an orchard, and the elk herd would descend into the orchard for the winter. He had pretty easy elk hunting, just opened a window and shot a couple every winter for food. :) I think most of his shots were at about 30 yards.

I read a great book, Pinnell and Talifson, Last of the great brown bear men. They took a true squared 11’ bear on kodiak with a 30-30 94 when they were green and didn’t know any better in the 30’s I believe, I think he used 7 or 8 rounds if I remember correctly. I’ll pass haha.

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When I was a kid, I was told a story by about an old local trapper and a grizzly bear incident that was resolved with his ol' Winchester 30-30.

Apparently he was hiking down off the the mountain to town in the fall for supplies when a sow with three grown cubs (3 year olds) surrounded him from all sides on the trail. He always carried his rifle loaded, and as he slowly turned uphill to face the sow, he cocked his rifle. He shot the sow first, and gave her a quick second shot as she fell, and then turning in a circle he shot each of the three cubs in turn, starting with the one on his right, as it was slightly uphill and closer than the other two. He then reloaded his rifle, and then checked each of the bears starting again with the sow, to ensure that they were finished. He then backed up the trail away from the bears and sat down by a tree on the side of the trail for a few cigarettes.

When he had collected himself, he hiked on into town, where he ran into my grandfather and great uncle. They went with him back upon the mountain to see the scene and help skin the bears. My grandfather said the closest bear to the trapper had been the sow, and was 5 yards from where the trapper had been when he started shooting. The last cub shot was about 10 yards from that spot, and slightly downhill. He figured that the sow was using the trapper to train her cubs to hunt. The trapper swore that if he hadn't been packing a Winchester, he never would have been able to get the bears before they would have gotten him.

Gotta love that quick cycling action and reliability!
Yeah- the 30-30 was used for everything back in the day, despite us moderns thinking it's too small.

Bartlett's ill fated Karluk expedition shot more than 20 polar bears with the 30-30 and the 6.5x54MS...and thought it perfectly suited for the job! The number of 1894s and Krags up here is pretty surprising to me, apparently they were a favorite among the gold miners and the 30-30 is still favored by the Athabascans and no potlatch is considered complete unless one is given away.

I've got to admit, the 30-30 is one of my favorite cartridges and I seldom shoot one anymore.
Teddy referred to his '94 as a flat shooting rifle which he liked to use for antelope... :shock: :). Something tells me it will come back around, shame if it isn't through Winchester though. CL
So if you were to get one just to have one what caliber except the 30-30?
I can't believe it.
Fotis, I would get a 32 Winchester Special.

Gil and Mike great stories from days gone by, thank you

Fotis, wish I had one or both ---- 32-40 and 38-55,

My Dad had a 30-30 and it was one of the first centerfire rifles I used. He kept it leaning against the door jam, just inside the back door. Simpler time's for sure. My son still has it.
Already have my favourite '94 (other than 30-30); the 375 Win!

If I were to get another that I do not have, it would be the 25-35
I have an old 1967 Canadian Centennial Octagon barrel 30-30 grandpa gave me. Never fired it. One of these years I’m going to take it to Montana and hunt deer and antelope with it. Just in memory of grandpa and the family farm.

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I've always liked the M94 and have had a few over the years. I killed my first deer when I was 11 years old with my Great grandfather's old 94 made in 1911 based on the serial number. I still have that rifle. I also have a 94 in 25-35 with half magazine. Some idiot cut the barrel back to 20". :x The sad part is the bore is as shiny as a new dime. Externally it shows its age and reasonably decent care. If it weren't for that cut off barrel. :( One thing, the trigger pull weight on both rifles is atrociously heavy. About 9 or 10 pounds. I also have a 94 made in IIRC 1956 or 7 in .32 Win. Spl. One really clean rifle. One of these days I'll get a mold so I can shoot cast bullets in it. My usual messing around M94 was made in around 1980 or 81 and it's OK but not of the quality of the pre-64s. Guess I must like the 30-30 and I also have two M64s, one circa 1938 and one from the last year, 1957. The difference in quality is evident but still way nicer than the 1980 gun. My last 30-30 is a Winchester M54 bolt action. Outside looks like it was rode hard and put away wet. The bore is like the 25-35, as shiny as a brand new dime. It came with factory installed receiver sight and is very accurate. Before death, disabling cripples and people moving out of state we used to shoot what we called a Burrito match. Ten shots at 50 yards, iron sights only, cast bullets only. Loser bought lunch. Once I started using that M54, I never had to buy another lunch. :mrgreen: One guy complained that I was using a peep sight so I got my truck gun out from behind the seat, showed him it was loaded with cast bullets and said try this one. he declined.

Age and bad knees have made doing many hunts physically impossible limiting me to do only one elk hunt from a truck. Not my preferred way but my only option. These days the 30-30 is strictly a fun gun shooting cast bullets at the range.
Paul B.
Screw it. Just bought a 356 Winnie model 94 Big Bore just to be safe. Be here Monday. Lol
Not the best picture... But like new!!!


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Looks like you've got everything for it.

Now, you just need a 307 and a 375 to go with it!
(Who could be happy with just one! LOL)
Was looking at old magazine articles online today, and saw an announcement from Henry in 2015 showing that they had built a lever action in 6.5 Creedmoor. Interesting!
Anyone ever seen one? Or better yet, own one or shoot one?
Henry's Long Ranger will now be chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor for the fall 2018 catalog. previously it was 223, 243, and 308 only.