Noslers Downrange this Morning!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006

Another great "Monday Gun Day" with my youngest son John. He drove us to the club, less than ten minutes, and we practiced with our:

6mm Rem 700 BDL, 3.5-10x, 95 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip, 46.9 grains of Ramshot Hunter. It's shooting well.

25-06 Rem 700 CDL, 6x, 115 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip, 57.5 grains of Hodgdon Retumbo. It too is shooting well.

Then the 22's! John had his old Ruger 10/22 and I had my Marlin 39A with a Skinner peep sight.

Almost all of our shooting today, centerfire and rimfire, was from sitting or standing. John did take a few shots with his 6mm on the bench to confirm the zero. We had a blast! Shot the gong at 100 yards repeatedly with the 6mm & 25-06, then I had fun shooting it with my 22 Marlin.

Not only are we getting some good practice, we're enjoying the heck out of our regular practice sessions - almost every week for a couple of months now. Here's some photos from today's practice:

The old 6mm Remington 700:

John, sitting & standing:


Me, standing with the Marlin:

Grinning after hitting the 100 yard gong:


Yup, another Monday Gun Day father-son firearms training session complete! (y)

Regards, Guy
Sounds like y’all had a great time.

What kind of groups are you getting with that 25-06?

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About 3/4" groups at 100 yards. I don't shoot a lot of groups with it... Anymore I mostly just shoot the steel gongs at 100, 200 and 300 then go hunting with it. It does real well. About a dozen mule deer, two pronghorn antelope, some coyotes and some rockchucks over the years. The 25-06 keeps me smiling.

Well done Guy.
Looks like a great way to spend a Monday morning.

Good on you guys! It's great to see you all getting out and always love seeing pictures of you 700s in the field.
Is that an old Carhartt vest with a collar? I need one! Guy, I admire your photos, writing, and time teaching. I have made my own blue/gray cyclones following your advice. Got a nice freezer pronghorn buck at 200 yds., moving steadily, but not really running. Swung with him and held in front about a foot. Centered the shoulder blade. All this with my son watching. "You shot him while he was moving?" "How did you know how much to lead?" " Well, son, back when you were only a twinkle in Dad's eye, they used to pay for jackrabbits. I had my 7x57 and a pile of cheap bullets. I got a lot of practice in on moving things. When I settled in on him, I didn't have to come up with a firing solution, the old long term memory just kicked in."
It's a nice vest, about 10 years old now. It's made in China, labeled Sorel. :(

Great shot on the pronghorn!

Enjoyed the post. Looks like you had the range all to yourselves. Closest range here is about 12 miles away so I just plink away at 100 yards in the back yard. The only time I visited the community range there were some big egos on site and it didn’t make for a good atmosphere.
I appreciate you taking the time to post and share the load data that is working for you.

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Cleveland48":1zbxovoh said:
Looks like an awesome day Guy!

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Thanks! It was one of quite a few "Monday Gun Day" practice sessions we enjoyed this year.

Was pretty cool, stalking the young buck with my son, then watching him make a quick kill, just like he'd practiced. (y)

I ended up not using the 25-06 this year, used the 30-06 instead. Either way was fine with me.

Regards, Guy