In light of the Mueller Report.


Mar 6, 2017
Sorry, not nice to gloat. But after 2 yrs of listening to non stop garbage, it at least needs mentioned. :lol:

I love how the leftists are being totally exposed for what they are. And to think the high level arrests haven't even started yet. We are seeing history unfold right before our eyes.
Yup! 'Cept she seems to be Teflon. No one wants to fry that fish. Probably wormy.
Good one!
The demonrats are unable to accept the truth and are still running around looking for something to use to impeach President Trump.
I think Americans are tired of this fecal matter and will re-elect him out of spite if nothing else.


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DrMike":32051ped said:
Yup! 'Cept she seems to be Teflon. No one wants to fry that fish. Probably wormy.

Dunno if it was fake news or what but she allegedly has said, "If I go down half of Washington DC will go down with me." I would surmise that probably most, if not all the democrats and at least half or more of the Republicans. (y) Massive swamp drainage if that happens.
Paul B.