
Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Well, it sort of fits with "food and recipes"

It's been many years since I had much of a garden. Used to cultivate a pretty large one when the kids were small. Good family project. For years though, it's just been a few pots on the patio with tomato plants etc.. This year though, I got more ambitious and built two raised beds, 8' long, 3' wide and the dirt is about 12 - 14" deep.


Will be planting things that we enjoy: tomato, cucumber (mama wants to make some pickles) green onions, carrots, bell peppers, perhaps cilantro... It was fun building the boxes, and am looking forward to tending the garden as well. Gotta have veggies to go with the protein we bring home from hunting and fishing!

Nice work Guy. Love those fresh vegetables in a tossed salad along with some sweet corn to go along with some back straps on the grill. Of course a couple of T bone steaks and grilled zucchini isn't too bad either!



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One of my nephews raised several different things like that in his box garden every year with good results. Dan.
That should work well. Have a friend who also is in a WC who many years ago built raised beds for his garden so that he could access them easily. He likes to show off by rolling up to his onion patch, unearthing one of the unsuspecting tubers, wipe the dirt off and eat it like an apple. :shock: :roll: :) . He's just a little crazy... but he grows great gardens. Should work well. Officially jealous of what looks like green grass and sunshine. Look forward to some "foodie" shots of fresh veggies next to an antelope tenderloin. CL
The box gardens look great Guy. We have a few people in the neighbor hood who have built them and grow what they need and even put some away for latter.
My raised garden has a fresh supply of organic fertilizer on it and it has rained at least one day a week since I applied it so I can't get on it to till it in. Hopefully we get some sunshine and dry it out so I can work it in and plant some veggies.
Looks real nice Guy, it will be nice to see your pictures as the seasons progress. Our soil is too moist and cold to plant yet. I am in the process of transcribing my Grandmother's notebook and among the pages I found this: "No garden for me, for me, Last year all I grew was tired".

On a more serious note, there is a book "Square Foot Gardening" paperback that I have used in the past.. Can't seem to locate it now but will search further to locate it as my mind needs a refresher.
Enjoy the spring.. Rol
Thanks all, I'm having fun with this. A "master gardener" friend said that I can plant the root crops now, but to wait a couple of weeks for the other plants.

Good call. It was snowing not far above town this morning.

That's great, Guy...After Dad passed and Mom's age made it too hard to keep up the house, she sold the house we grew up in and bought a small house in town, she still wanted a small garden, but her advanced age and much less space led to building a few raised beds..But one day I stopped by and she had me move a bunch of used tires she bought to the back of the house and stack them in stacks 4 tires high. She filled them with garden soil and planted potatoes. When it came time to dig she just knocked over the tires and the taters fell out..Age didn't stop her!!! :lol: :lol: I'll let you guess who had to re-stack them and clean the dirt up and put it back..
Looks good Guy. Amazing the amount of food you can get from a little area of dirt. We used to always put out a full garden, but the last couple of years we've done raised beds like you've done. We do a decent amount of canning every yr, but there are several produce and fruit farmers close by so we usually get our bulk stuff from them for canning.

This yr with all the uncertainty we are doing raised beds as normal, but are also putting out a full garden.
I've been growing an organic vegetable garden for many years. I started out with 2 - 8'x12' raised boxes but always seem to need more room. We grow several zucchini plants and they grow huge, spreading out all over the place. I've even grown watermelon and cantaloupe just for fun.
Over the years I added additional 8'x12' boxes. Currently I maintain 500 sq/ft of organic gardens. I have access to piles of animal waste compost (horse, chicken, pig) that have been piled up for a couple of years. No chemicals of any type enter the garden. We release hundreds of praying mantis and thousands of lady bugs into the growing garden each year.
We produce far more vegetables than we consume and give a fair bit away to family, friends and neighbors. My brother actually got me started several years ago. He use to say; "all you need to do is plant it and the good Lord will do the rest of the work". I found this summer gardening hobby to be rather addictive.
Well outstanding! (y)

I've had bigger gardens, but not for quite a while. 15+ years since I had a big garden. BTW, things are looking good of late. The warm sunshine, and some water on the rich soil... Ya, things are growing nicely. Even the bird dog is leaving the garden boxes alone. Amazing.

Hell I can’t grow grass; I’m impressed can’t wait to see your victory garden in full production.

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