700 rebarrel ?


Dec 2, 2010
I'm trying to come up with a list of barrel makers who will also install their barrels. So far I have Douglas and Hells Canyon. Any others I should look into? I'm thinking about putting a new barrel on my dad's Rem 700 mnt rifle. I would like to keep it 30-06 and roughly the same contour and length.
There are many smiths that can spin up a good barrel, and probably faster than Bartlein. I didn't know Krieger stopped doing installs but don't let that discourage you.
A little update on Dad's 700 30-06. It has been a crazy 6 weeks and we have a long road ahead of us. My dad was taken to the hospital with alcohol DT and is on the road to coming home. After 4 weeks, he was able to talk clearly and have conversations with the family. One of the conversations with me was about hunting. He told me he is done hunting and doesn't want to be in the woods and get hurt or have issues. He said I could have his two rifles. A Tikka 25-06 and his Remington 700 Mnt Rifle in 30-06. I have tried many different loads with no luck, so I sent it to Douglas. I got the call today that they have the rifle and I should have a new 30-06 barrel installed in the next 4-6 weeks. I'm looking forward to loading up some 180 Btips for it and seeing how it shoots. If all goes well, I hope to use it this year for the Wisconsin rifle season in Nov.
Sorry to hear about your dad. Hope things turn around for him soon. Glad you're getting your rifle barreled and I'm sure Douglas will do a fine job. I have been pleased with the 270win barrel they did for me last year. Dan.
Sorry to hear about your Dad and glad he is on the road to recovery. You have been gifted two very nice rifles in terrific chamberings.
Douglas will do a nice job with the rebarrel and fitting. The 180 BT at 2700-2800 fps will dominate the Wisconsin North Woods.
What barrel length and twist did you decide on?

22" 1:9 twist. I saw that the package arrived on the USPS site and 1 hour later they called to let me know they had the rifle and it all looked good. I think I will be happy with the results.

Thanks for the kind words. Dad is a great guy but a nasty disease that affects everyone around him. We pray for strength and patience. The motto is: one day at a time. All I can ask from others is that if you see someone dealing with substance abuse issues, offer them help. To tackle it alone would be impossible.
Two excellent cartridges, to be sure. Glad your dad has received help. Substance abuse is a battle too great to be tackled on our own, though we have to have a "want to" to ultimately best the grip it has on us.
If it's an option, get the action blueprinted. It's money well spent to ensure everything is trued and wringing out the best accuracy possible.
