Glenfield gets a new rear sight

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
This afternoon the dog and I took our Jeep and our Glenfield up into the hills. We did a little informal sight-in session, since the 30-30 Glenfield had just taken on a new Williams receiver sight.

When I ordered the sight from Brownells, I forgot that the newer Marlins/Remlins weren't drilled & tapped on the side of the receiver, so the first sight I found that fit a 336, I ordered. It fits the top two holes on the receiver. Not quite what I had in mind, but okay.. That might work. I installed the sight in about two shakes of a lambs tail. But my gunsmith buddy had to free up one of the set screws, after I'd let it soak in Kroil for two days.

I've had Williams receiver sights on a Win 94 30-30, a 30-30 Marlin 336, and a 45-70 Marlin 1895. I like them. Long ago Dad had a .22 Marlin 39M, and I think that rifle has a Lyman receiver sight. Might be a Williams, not sure. Been a while since I've seen that cool little rifle.

I might get around to removing the factory rear sight from the barrel. It doesn't really bother me, but my sight picture would be better without it. After installing the sight and getting my friend to free up that set-screw we headed into the hills for a very informal shooting session. Just didn't feel like going to the gun club today.

With no adjustments the first three shots printed here, holding dead-center at 25 paces, from standing:

I also shot at a rock pile, 110 paces away, and had no trouble hitting a rock smaller than a deer's vital area with 170 gr Remington soft-point ammo.

It's not your eyes - the photo is blurry:

Top-attach version of the Williams... Not what I thought I ordered, but it works. Much as I like that little 2.5x Leupold, and I do like it a lot. The rifle feels better to me this way:


Interesting drive up the canyon today:

Guy, that looks like a great alteration to the rifle. Did you have to raise your front sight to match the receiver sight?

I am also very interested in the hammer spur you have. I have not seen one like that and I like the looks of it a lot better than the one I have on my 1895MXLR. Do you remember who makes it and where they would be available? I will need a left hand version.

I wondered about the front sight, but no, the standard front sight on the Glenfield was tall enough. As I refine the sight-in, I may learn that need a taller front sight, but so far, so good. This was just a few shots taken, up in the hills. Very enjoyable afternoon, but not a very formal sight-in procedure.

That hammer spur was on the rifle when I bought it. Thought I'd remove it once the scope was off... Now I'm not so sure. I kind of like it. Don't know the make though.

Very nice Guy. I’ve got a similar Williams on my M94 and M71. They aren’t quite as strong as the older Lyman steel sights but I haven’t had a problem with them either.
Guy, looks like you got lucky with the rear ladder sight. I put a receiver peep on my old model 94 and had to remove the rear sight as it blocked the front sight view. I appreciate the rear peep as it seems to automatically draw the sight picture in.
diverdown":ba491ic5 said:
Guy, looks like you got lucky with the rear ladder sight. I put a receiver peep on my old model 94 and had to remove the rear sight as it blocked the front sight view. I appreciate the rear peep as it seems to automatically draw the sight picture in.

I'll probably remove the original, barrel-mounted rear sight, but for now it's not a problem. I just lowered it to it's lowest position and it's mostly out of view. Mostly.

Be better if it was gone though. (y)
