Hunting with a Handicaped Man

Too Tall

Jul 5, 2011
A month or so ago I call from a friend, a Guide/Outfitter, and he said he had donated a hunt to a young man with a handy cap.
He asked me if I had time to haul them up in the mountains.
I told him I was down in Utah, working. He ask when I would be home next, and I told him.

Well, when I got home, I met the hunter and he was a Wounded Warrior from 1/5th Marines. He could not walk or stand, on his own.
Nice young man.
We visited for awhile, then I went and got a big gentle draft horse saddled up, brought him up, and set him up there.
He was spooked, but he sat up and listened to what I had to say about riding and reading the animal.

Later that day we went going on a little ride, and see how it goes. I get him all set in the morning and had him ride around in the corral, by himself. All went good.

Then that night I got a call from the guide, that another hunter had shot a bull, up in Fish Trap Lake area, and everybody had to go to get the meat out. Too warm to let it sit.
He wanted to know if we could go out by our selves. I told him, I thought we could.

So the Guides Wife brings him out for breakfast at 0500, then we saddled up and rode from the house.
We rode up the canyon about 5 miles, on good roads, then we started side hilling.
I was worried about his balance.
We had to take a longer path because of all the trees and terrain.

We got up about 1/2 mile from the bottom, on the East side, so we could glass the other side. I got him off and setup, so he could use my big eyes.
We didn’t see anything to write home about.

So we mounted up and tried to get a little higher. Tough and noisy.
Finally we got about 100 yards from the top, and was going to dismount, so we could sneak up and look over the top.

We were getting down and I ask if he thought he could ride on my back? He said what for? I said, to go look over the top.
Now you got to keep in mind, I’m old and out of shape. But he didn’t weigh more the a buck and a quarter, I figured.
He told me he thought he could hang on, so we give it a go.

Boy what a load. Let me say that again, boy what a load. I got him, on my back, his rifle in my left hand, my wolf gun in my right hand, and uphill, all the way.
Well we made it up there and got unloaded, and I had to set down for awhile, and rest.
Then I picked him up and moved him to a spot where he could glass. Set him down and handed him my binos to look around. I went back for the big eyes and a lot of water. Got back up there and looked it over good, while I rested up. Then back to get the horses and bring them up. Got loaded up and rode through the timber up the ridge top, and got down again.
Then we seen a nice big buck, over under the other rim. 957 yards away. So I started to make a plan to get closer, and get a shot. We would of had to go down our side, and up the other side. Going to take a couple hours, alone, let alone with the load I have with me. I figured we better set and watch and see where he is going.
Well it warmed up and the deer headed down, I figured he was headed to a spring a little farther down, on his side. I figured if we got to a little point on our side, we would be about 400 yards from him.
I got everybody and everything loaded up, and we headed out. Made it to the point, and got everything down, and set up.
No deer.
Set there till 2:00 pm, and figured we better get going to be home before dark.
Got home with no problems.

When we got back to the corral, I got off and when I reached up to set him down, he was shaking pretty bad. I asked him if he was ok?
I could see he was fighting something on the inside.

A feller has no idea what a man is fighting on the inside, I know, I’ve been there.

Then his emotions over took him, for awhile, so I just set him down in a chair, and set down in another. I waved my Wife off, and she went back to the house. Then we just set there awhile, and I’d make us some coffee. and seat.
He told me he had the best time ever. Well he said a bunch of stuff but that will stay between us.
I told him he could come to my home, and hang around with another old member of the 1/5, anytime he wanted to.

So far I've had a good season.

Semper Fi
Semper Fi indeed. Awesome Too Tall, Awesome.

The story kind of messed with my head and had my eyes all watery on a good day.

You did a wonderful thing for that young Jarhead.

Too tall that is amazing! Thank you for what you did for our Brother!! I too was with 1/5 from 03-07 and may know this fine gentleman.

Semper Fi!!
Semper Fi.

Not much else to say, but thank you, and please pass my personal thanks along to that young man for his service. done good, Marine...

...when you talk to your Marine again, please tell him, "Thank You"...
Thank You Too Tall and Thank You to that young man as well.

Sometimes we help ourselves best when helping a Brother. I think you know what I mean.
Too Tall thank you for doing that very kind and generous act. It sounds like you touched that man very deeply. What a gift you gave him, and you received in return. You are the kind of person that makes this Nosler forum so special. What a bunch of great people on here.

Too Tall,

You are a true brother. You done good, man. Thanks for that account; it definitely moved me.
Spent many an hour riding on my Dads back when I was young. He'd tell me to go it on my own on my crutches for a while and when I played out he pick me up and carry me for a while. We were all ofver the Black Hills and some of the bad lands in SD. I just turned 50 and Dad had back surgery for fractured disks a few years ago. Needless to say we have both slowed down some. The smell of sweat and "old Spice" is still one of my favorite things...... well done Tall. You may have given that young man a piece of his life back. CL
Dad and I
My admiration and gratitude, Too Tall. What a tale! My son isn't a "Wounded Warrior" but he is a paraplegic after an accident 6 years ago. Helping him hunt and enjoy the outdoors has been a challenge and a constant joy to me. Headed to elk camp next week with him and his friends. I wouldn't miss it for anything, even the grunt and groan part.
The Almighty gives us the will and the strength to do His will.

You did well, TT.
Too Tall, that is an awesome story! You did such a great thing for that Marine. That is one of the BEST stories I have ever heard. Semper Fi.

Marines take care of Marines. That is a fact and continues to be why we lead the pack!
To Tall, what a wonderful thing for you to do.!!!! My hats off to you, and the young man for his service to our country. You made him happy, you will remember that for ever. Thank you so much for sharing with us and sharing your time with him. !
Just thought I'd throw this one in here. Below you will find a picture of the Blind I use for hunting in MN. It is a two man platform stand that has had a small platform or "porch" added to the front so its easiear for me to step up into it. Although even that is getting tough. My hunting partners drop this one off in my "spot" the day before season opens. The key piece is the swivel boat seat mounted to the floor. The front is basically open as it wasnt long enough to cover my legs with the canvas in the front. Once Im up in there I can turn about 12O degrees which you cant do with a rifle in one hand if you are sitting in a wheelchair. We jokingly refer to it as the "Rickshaw". It should be a little bigger, and it needs a a trailer to haul long distances, and I dont "ride" in it. It does give me some movement possibilty, some cover and a little warmth if needed. I usually walk the couple hundred yards from the road to my stand, as I used to enjoy the challenge and it feels more like hunting, but this year I drove right up to the stand. I am getting old.... :evil: Took the picture from the car.

I'm honestly thinking about converting an old Uhaul trailer with one of the low entry ramps. Just cut some windows and carpet the floor and give it a camo paint job.

Again, the readon I bring this up is to note how important and valued the guys are. The blind gives me a better chance for success when Im out. However, I could not do even this w/o a lot of help. Thanks to the "guys" and thanks again for your effort Too Tall. CL

That is pretty thoughtful, CL. It looks as if it will work, as well.