New Experience


Jun 15, 2019
Well, this is a new experience for me, and proof that hunting is all about new experiences.

As is my habit, I left my shotgun out on the dining room floor, since it is spring turkey season here and I have no one who will get into things in an unsafe manner. Well, I work nights, and this morning, the wife reported that while I was at work, her cat had thrown up, but she couldn't figure out where. Well, you guessed it - I just finished cleaning day-old dried cat vomit off my shotgun. And that is a new experience for me. *facepalm*
Seems to me that those despicable beasts seek out locations they know will upset you the most. We have 1800 SQ/FT and her cat chooses one of a few 5x7 rugs, or a sofa cushion.
Seems to me that those despicable beasts seek out locations they know will upset you the most. We have 1800 SQ/FT and her cat chooses one of a few 5x7 rugs, or a sofa cushion.

I am thankful she didn't use the open action (confess I'm somewhat neurotic about safety) as a few weeks back, she used one fo the wife's shoes.
I can live without cats! When my granddaughter moved in with us for a few weeks last summer, she brought her kitten. I discovered that I'm allergic to cats. My wife was grateful since she was less than ecstatic to have the beast in the house.
A friend of an acquaintance got home from a match and as things some times go, had to stack his rifle and barrels by the back door and get on with life. Some time later he put the rifle away but left his 6BR barrel in a soft case until he had time to clean it. Unbe knownst to him the house feline had pee'd on the case. When he pulled the barrel out some time later, he reports that the stainless barrel was etched beyond removal. From then on he referred to it as his "cat pi$$" barrel. My friend jokes that it still shot well enough to "remedy" the cat. CL
Come on guys!

We have 4 cats and wouldn't be without them, BUT... they stay outside. I made a safe place for them on the back porch as we live in the country. Before we had them the rats and mice chewed the wires and firewall on my tractor and pickup, plus the gophers ate much of our garden and fruit trees, not anymore. The cats also lure in the coyotes, I have shot 3 in the last few months. They just killed a baby rattlesnake in our back yard as well, not sure how they didn't get bit.
He he, yeah, cats are usually buggers by nature. Used to have five in the house, now I only have one that lives in the garage and outside. Never want cats back in the house, but always want one outside. Our cat disappeared for a couple months last year and mice quickly started making their homes around our house, even got into a wall. Cat is back and no more mice problems.
I have to admit, I really didn't care for her cat, but over the course of time he's became my napping buddy. I guess I tolerate him because every now and again he'll come and show us a mouse he caught in the basement. When we first got married she had an old grey cat. We saw evidence of a mouse in the cabinets, so I put out one of those sticky traps. One morning I felt the cat jump on the bed w/us and he was making a funny meow, I'd never heard him make ,and a "peep-peep" sound. Well, the mouse was stuck in the trap and the trap was stuck to the cats face. I needed welding gloves to remove the thing from the cat. He had a bald patch on his face for a while.
Well, this one does - on occasion - kill mice. More importantly, the wife likes it. So...