Old Alaskan pictures

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Thought some of ya might enjoy some of these old photos? Especially if you been reading my opinionated posts over the years, thinking I bet he hasn't done half the stuff he claims he has! :lol:
See what you think?IMG_1745.JPGIMG_1744.JPGIMG_1743.JPGIMG_1742.JPGIMG_1734.JPG


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Here 6 moreIMG_1733.JPGIMG_1735.JPGIMG_1732.JPGIMG_1730.JPGIMG_1729.JPGIMG_1727.JPG
That's Harry Combs of Lear Jet fame with that moose right above, that's a dozen photos out of hundreds Of pictures of trophys ,from the North Country over the years!
Wow, love the Caribou photos, now those to me are great trophies! Super moose, and Huge Bears too, I admire your life now more then ever! :)
Awesome old pictures E! Not too bad for a old broken down Maine'er! :mrgreen:

Truly cool pictures.. I know the good old days weren't always the best but dang there was hunting going on back then! Bet most guys didn't futz around with so much minutiae back then either.. A couple of good boxes of ammo, some decent duds and off the wild blue yonder.
Lol, thanks Cole
I guess your bound to come up with some nice animals when you do this full time for over 40 years!
It's been a good ride, we have been very fortunate to have been in a lot of places at the right time!
There would many folks on here that have much more experience at the reloading table, and precision Shooting, But we have probably been exposed to a lot more; actual in the field experiences,And witnessed more kills of trophy game than most. It always cracks Me up to have listen to someone, ( after a couple swigs of old stump jumper) And you know darn well, he has very little experience, But he will go on and on, about the " Spikehorn" He shot back in the 70's .......... ok........Heck we even had a hunter, brag about all the "huge bucks" he had taken over the last 50 years, ??? ( All 11 of them) So before he came up, he sent me a picture so I would realize the caliber of hunter he was , and to prove it! Lol I think this is the picture;( can't imagine why else I would have saved it??Here are the monsters....LolIMG_1751.JPG
Well I do still have one on floats, here it is.
See what you think?
Sorry bout the deer picture!! Lol pretty good one though
Had 6 3/8" bases, heavy beams


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Surly that's not a 290 Lyc pullin that headwind...lol
I liked you smiling in the DHC-2 picture...I would be too
You have had an extraordinary life
and have made some good decisions.
That is a 0290D2B (140hp pistons)thats ported & polished (lol) swings that Borer prop 82/42 at 2500 the minute you lay the whip to her! Cracks 2600 as you come out of the water! Keeps the Cub guys honest! (y)
Check out that load of lumber on my Cub above, same on the other side, standard load to set up a new tent camp.
Inside are 4 plywood sheets cut in half so 2'x8' stacked up in bottom baggage. Thats Jack Jonas of Jonas Bros.Taxadermy in Denver circa 1985ish
I'm just kidding......
Me I am a J series Piper snob...
I'll get pictures and post them later.
Those are all awesome photos, and yes
I like the mass on that deer.
It was common in Alaska for guides in the late 70's to have 30" Airstreaks, supposedly they were made originally as a low preasure
Tire for the strawberry industry in California? We used to get them from a crook down there named Guy Selman???
I bought a set of good year Airwheels that were 36" once
Each tire weighed 61lbs, if you landed on asphalt you had to skuff em and get em spinnin first are you would go right
Up on your nose!!!! But they looked cool!!! That was ahead of its time! Nowadays if someone says I got 35's on my cub, I say " Oh I had 36" tires back in the early 80's.....
They always say " never heard of them" I nod and say I know you wouldnt have......IMG_1753.JPG
Here is my old 77D; on those big 36" Airwheels; it was famous at the time, as we took 2 bullet holes thru the fuselarge from an Eskimo lady, down in By Eggigik because she said I was spotting toooo close to her set net !!!
My boats called on the radio and said she was firing at me???? So I flew away and darned if she had not hit me twice! I saw her a few days later at the trading post, and she struts right up in my face and says " are you flying 77 DOG "??? I says yea why? She says you come near my set net again and I will shoot you down next time! :shock:
Yes..! That is too cool.
And the lumber strapped to the lift struts
and the jurys on top...man you guys were brave.
I bet back then the lower lift strut forks were 7/16"
now a days after numerous AD's they are 5/8"
Those 2x4s gotta weigh a good 100lbs.
Man those were the good ole days for sure.
Lol, well the 14 2x6's that were 12' long were fine compared to those 2x4's if the wind came up! Standard
load was a complete bull moose, horns on struts, 4 quarters in plane and headskin ontop of meat, off from a 600' strip......... all day long. Thought nothing of it at the time.
Well those are some great stories and pics. Eggigik is still a little on the wild side.

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