Pierce Engineering Experience

EOD Diver

Dec 30, 2011
I saw that some friends were considering using a Pierce action and felt compelled to share my experience. So much so that I decided to make it into a topic. I apologize in advance for the negativity. Below is the excerpt:

I just saw the reference to Pierce Engineering above and felt compelled to write and share my experience with them, as it was almost entirely negative.


First off, when this occurred during the summer of 2012, I pondered writing about my experience with them, but decided against it because I try to abstain from bashing people online and the gunsmiths that work for him seem to be good people. Anyway, I selected the Pierce action because it seemed to be a quality hunting (vice tactical) style 700 clone. I contracted them to build my "dream" rifle in .280AI with a Krieger barrel, Williams bottom metal, Jewell trigger, and HS Precision stock. Things went well, until I received the rifle and the bottom metal was flawed. I called the company and John Pierce answered. I politely asked him to fix the flaw and he essentially told me to go to hell. He explained that if there was a problem with the barrel, talk to Krieger and for a problem with the bottom metal to talk to Williams Firearms. It's the worst customer service I've ever encountered. I explained that I had contracted to him to build the rifle, acting as not only a supplier of the action, but my gunsmith. He was as rude as they come and told me to piss off. I thought I was screwed so I actually did what he said and contacted Mr. Williams, which turned out to be a blessing. He was as polite as they come and explained that with all the flaws in the bottom metal that he didn't think it was one of his, and that if it was that he would be more than happy to replace it. I sent it to him and he confirmed that it wasn't one of his and believed it to be a PTG unit, which by the way was significantly cheaper. This changed things and put the ball back in my court. I spoke with a military lawyer on base who explained my rights as a customer. Happily, I called back Mr. Pierce and explained to him that swapping a cheaper part for a more expensive one, that I had paid for, was fraud and that I wanted my money back in full, including all the shipping I'd incurred sending bottom metal and rifles around or that I'd see him in court. Now if there's one thing I can't stand, it's a sea lawyer. That said, with the amount of money that I put into that rifle and to have it be nothing more than an eye sore/ulcer collecting dust in my safe, I felt justified. The funny thing is that I'd have been as happy as a hobo with a ham sandwich had he simply fixed the bottom metal flaw. One of his gunsmiths later called me to try to rectify the problem. He was a nice guy, and professional as well, but I explained that I'd sooner contribute to the President's re-election fund than to give John Pierce a penny from my pocket. He said that he understood, expressed remorse, and admitted a few things about his boss that were less than positive. His attempt at damage control is truly what prevented the broadcast of my experience with John Pierce. I try to look for the good that comes from things, so I'm happy to report that I'll be a customer for life of the Williams Firearms Company and that his one piece bottom metal will grace any future builds, including the upcoming pre-64 .270 Win build that is being barreled by Bartlein as we speak.
I hope you all will forgive me for slamming John Pierce on the forum, but, as I previously stated, I truly felt compelled to share my experience and warn others as well.



***Pierce Engineering did eventually refund my money in full. Just wanted to make that part clear.***
I thank you Joe. That's good word and it'll save another of us from being ripped off. Hope your doing well buddy. Hoping your staying busy.

Mistakes and even bits of incompetence due to ignorance are forgivable. Dishonesty is not. Recalcitrance and bad attitude seem to substantiate a case of flagrant dishonesty in this account.
I work in a customer facing role, and have for over two decades. I know full well how many mistakes I've made over the years. One of the tenets by which I live, and treat others, is that imperfection is not an issue. Everyone makes mistakes. It is, in fact, how you handle those mistakes that differentiates you from the competition. In this case, it appears the fellow in question made a series of mistakes, from poor choices to dishonest dealings, and then proceeded to compound that by handling his mistakes in such a way as to ensure he earns a reputation of being a crook. Shameful!

I sincerely hope you got 100% of your costs back. If not, I'd stay on him until he resolves this.
The dishonesty is a deal killer; if a man is dishonest in a small thing, he'll be dishonest in dig things given the chance.
I agree with you all.

Like Dub, I am in a customer facing role as well. Customers perception is reality, and I will go out of my way to make right what in the customers eyes is wrong, to an extent. Manufactured parts and machines will always have a % of mistakes as no person or machine is perfect. Furthermore there are manufacturing tolerances that are held that may or may not be of the same level as a customers expectation. That is where employees like myself come into play. If a customers concern is not considered warrantable, then I look at the situation in a " would I accept it on my own Motorcycle?". If "yes" then I explain to the customer the best way I can without lieing or deception why my decision is where it is at. If "no", then the part or issue will be replaced, fixed, etc. and I will defend that decision to anyone of my superiors till the day I am excused from the job, even if that event is not considered "warrantable". That in my eyes is what Customer Satisfaction is.

Sounds like Mr. Pierce needs a lesson or two.
Sorry to hear that. I was kinda wanting to try one of Pierce's Ti actions for a lightweight build...
Thanks for the intel Joe. I considered one of his actions for a build last year and ended up going with a Defiance instead. As the owner of a small manufacturing company, I know how important it is to ensure you do everything in your power to make a customer happy and make them want to buy again. I won't do business with someone who would use components for a build iwth inferior parts and than blame someone else for the problem. That is pond scum...
Yup! same here. He just lost a couple of customer. I too want's to try one of his action. He can forget about it now.

Post this at the Snipers Hide and Hell be sorry he did this to you. DF

Thank you for the heads up.
I hope you get a full refund.

Thank you again Joe for your information. I believe that integrity is the most important thing in business and life in general.
It is to bad that people just do seem to care about as much now as in the past.

Maybe my opinion only :)

Again, I'm not into bashing people on the internet, but was really concerned when I saw others considering using Pierce Engineering in their builds. Also, I edited my original post and wanted to inform all that I did eventually get a refund in full.

They needed to refund you in full. I can't believe the deception was accidental.