Pillar bed plastic bottom metal


Apr 30, 2016
My nephew brought by his Win XPR he put in a Boyd’s laminate stock and was wondering if I could pillar bed it. I’ve done a few so agreed. But I got to wondering if you’re really helping anything by pillar bedding because the XPR has plastic “bottom metal” seems even with pillars, the action screws will still be “mushy” at the plastic bottom..thoughts? I know it’s done all the time, just pondering things.
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Boyds takes it one step further by installing plastic pillars in their stocks. Never understood that. The 2 Boyd stocks I have , I installed brass pillars. To your question , a pillar bedding job is the way to go on my opinion.
My nephew brought by his Win XPR wondering if I could pillar bed it. I’ve done a few so agreed. But I got to wondering if you’re really helping anything by pillar bedding because the XPR has plastic “bottom metal” seems even with pillars, the action screws will still be “mushy” at the plastic bottom..thoughts?
Boyds takes it one step further by installing plastic pillars in their stocks. Never understood that. The 2 Boyd stocks I have , I installed brass pillars. To your question , a pillar bedding job is the way to go on my opinion.
If I spent half as much time doing things as I do over thinking things I’d get a lot more done. I usually use aluminum spacers from lowes..a neat little trick I did the last time; after I drilled out the holes in the stock, I ran a tap through them, the “threads” gave the epoxy a lot of places to bite.