Scope Lapping


Sep 4, 2006
I am going to lap the rings on my Ruger. The rings are blued steel. What should I use for rust prevention.
Once you get them lapped, just wipe them with an oil cloth really good, let that soak in for an hour or so, then wipe them off with a dry towel so there's not much residue. That's what I did. Of course, if it's a hard kicker, you want to be sure you get nearly all the oil back off, or the scope could slip. I use disposable blue shop towels, and they seem to take up oil rather quickly.
I did the same except for the cold blue. One thing I found after lapping the rings was that my concerns about scope movements were unfounded. The bearing surface is increased by at least three times and the lapping compound leaves a much better gripping surface. I have done this on all my hard kickers and I wish I had done so sooner. It would have saved some ring scars on the scopes.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin: