Sweet Corn.


Mar 6, 2017
Put out way more garden this yr than what we can possibly eat fresh, or even for canning, which we do plenty of, but gonna do extra this yr.

But I figured what we can't use, others can.

Same thing with sweet corn. We always freeze some along with what we eat fresh, but I put out a pretty good sized patch this yr. Should be enough for us, my parents, and my brothers and sisters. And when we've got what we need there should be enough for whoever wants in the neighborhood.

Walked 2 rows counting stalks and took a low average for the rest of the field. Should be a minimum of 4,300 stalks. Provided I can keep the deer and coon damage low, should make some corn. (y)

2 weeks of heat, some water, and 2 bags of ammonium sulfate which is just nitrogen only fertilizer without the phosphorus and potassium, makes corn grow at a rate that you can almost see it growing! Very healthy looking so far. Gonna be swamped in corn I believe, which is a good thing because when we get what we need there will be plenty for other people. (y)

Man there is nothing better than fresh corn on the cob that actually ripens in the field on the stalk. I am envious as I have no spot for a garden where we live and growing up my parents always had a large garden. Same as with you we canned a lot and froze a lot. We also would usually get about 500 pounds of potatoes from our garden. We would put them in gunny sacks and stick them down in our pump-house where it stayed nice and cool and the temperature was consistent. Your picture inspired some fond memories for me for sure.
6mm, that's a bunch of potatoes from 1 family! I grew up with all that myself. My Mother canned everything under the sun. Learned what I know about canning from her.

Lately the garden and sweet corn patch is about a full time job in the evening just getting enough water on it. Been HOT and DRY. Can't start any watering until late evening when the heat has died off so you don't shock plants and burn leaves. Gets tiring but it's good work and the results are quite satisfying.

On the left side of these corn patch pics on the other side of that tree line, is a creek. I've been running an irrigation pump out of that creek to a sprayer, to get water on the sweet corn.