Way past reloading 101


May 24, 2020
Not just calibers, but cartridges. How many different cartridges do you reload for? On top of that how many of each cartridge do you have a gun for that shoots/requires you to load different powders and/or bullets?
5.7x28 2 different mfgs (ar upper and ps90)
5.56nato/223wylde 7 from 11.5"-24" barrels and all but 1 have 8twist (1 7twist) 6 different mfgs
243win 1 22" 8twist
6.5gren 2 (20 and 24")
6.5creed 7 (18-24") 5 different barrel manufacturers
260rem 2 (22 and 24") same mfg
264wm 3 (2@26" and 1 32") 2 mod70 and 1 McGowen
6.8spc 2 (20 and 24") 2 differend mfgs
270win 22" blr
300bo 3(2 8.5", 1 16") 3 different mfgs
308win 6 (12.5-26") 4 different mfgs
300wm 3 (24, 26 and 30") 2 different mfgs
9mm 1 Kriss Vector
10mm 2 both 16", but different mfgs
338lm 1 24"
44mag 20" rossi92
45acp 1 16" Kriss Vector
45-70 gov't 2 (18.5 and 26") both 1895's
7 bolt guns, 4 levers and the rest are AR platforms with the exception of the Kriss

Now onto pistols
5.7x28 1 fn57
9mm 2 different mfgs 4.25-5"
357sig 2 different mfgs 4.4"
40s&w 2 different mfgs 4.4, 5.25"
10mm 3 different mfgs 4, 4.6, 5.25 and 6.01"
44mag DE 6 and 10"
50ae DE 6 and 10"
The DE is using the same frame, just changing out the mags and barrels

So this is very important to reload and why I do it.
You have quite a list of cartridges for which you load. Since I did this commercially for quite a few years, the list I would provide is extensive. I still have the remnants of an extensive history of loading with dies, shell holders, propellants, bullets and brass that far exceed what resides in my safes. It has been a fascinating life.
I load for myself along for my brother and son.
Lets see if I can remember them all.
204 Ruger - 1
223 Rem - 4 (2 bolts , 1 AR , 1 bolt Wylde)
22-250 - 2
6mm Creed - 2
25 Creed - 1
25-06 - 1
257 Wby - 2
6.5 Creed - 2
6.5-284 Norma - 1
7mm-08 Rem - 2
7mm Rem Mag - 2
30-30 Win - 2 (1 bolt , 1 lever)
308 Win - 3 (2 bolt , 1 semi)
30-06 - 3 (2 bolt , 1 semi)
300 WM - 1
300 Wby - 1
30-378 Wby - 1
338 Lapua - 2
340 Wby - 1
35 Whelen - 1
378 Wby - 1
416 Wby - 1
44-40 Win - 1
43 Spanish - 1
450 Bush - 1
460 Wby - 1
12 ga
I lost all my stuff. Must of been in that old shed somebody hauled off. I'm down to 2 slingshots and a Louisville slugger.
Allows you to get up close and personal! (y) Don't even have to have a tenderizer. The meat will be mighty tender before ever you skin the critter.:unsure:
Okay, here is a shot through 6mm center-fire.
Barrel lengths would be all over the place 😇
17 Mach IV
17 Remington
204 Ruger
20 Vartarg
20 BR
223 Rem (7)
224 Valk
22 GT (3)
22 Creed (3)
6 BR (2)
6 Dasher (2)
6 Creed (4)
6XC (2)
6mm Long Dasher
6mm-284 (2)
.223 Rem x 2 CZ527 bolt actions
Load 55gr FMJ, Nosler E-tips, 60gr TMK and when I can get them 65gr Sierra SBT

.257 Roberts FN Commercial 98
100gr Speer Hot Cor (plinker with Ramshot Hunter), 100gr E-Tips and 120gr Speer SPBT (longer range shooting and hunting) - both of those with Reload Swiss RS60

7x64 Nosler Mausingfield
185gr RDF / Hornady 180gr ELD-M for longer range games (Reload Swiss RS70), Hornady 139gr GMX, Sierra 160gr TMK / 169gr MK for shorter range and 160gr Sierra SBT for general hunting (Viht N160). Also have some 175gr Partitions I am hoarding (Probably load with N165 or RS70)

9,3x63 FN Commercial Geco 255gr T-Mantel for practice, Peregrine 250gr VRG for a pig hunting load. Think I still have hoarded some 285gr Partitions. Load those with N150

.404 Jeffery FN Commercial - Hornady DGS 400gr, and a plastic pointed 400gr from a UK maker called MME (Both with N150)

44 Spc / Mag Chiappa Alaskan lever action
.44 Spc 240gr cast RNFP with Unique (Use for historic comps where 44 mag is too new, don't ask) and +P 255gr SWCGC over 2400 (Came in ~1,000 of the bullets very cheaply but they won't go cycle cleaning in mag length cases)

.44 mag
240 gr cast RNFP with Unique as a plinker, 240gr Nosler JSP with Viht N110 (though might revisit H110 now have magnum primers) and also am experimenting with a 180gr Peregrine Hog (non-lead hunting load) with N105

Considering reloading 12b Cervo / Thug slugs as well.

Let’s see these are current there have been others in the past.
22 hornet
223 Remington ( soon to be 2, contender barrel coming)
6 BR
25 Creedmoor
260 Remington
270 Winchester
7 TCU (2)
380 acp
9mm (2)
38 special (2)
357 magnum (5)
44 magnum
45 Colt
45 acp (3)